
We all have something to learn, and the opportunities are available in a variety of formats. Most education programs are active from September through May.

Sunday School (ages 3 - 12) takes place during the weekly Sunday Morning worship.  After gathering in worship with the whole congregation, children are gathered for an inspirational moment that is geared just for them.  With a song they are led to the classroom where they begin with a cartoon feature related to the gospel reading for the day from our WHIRL curriculum.  Discussion and activities follow.  Children return to the service about a half hour later to share in Holy Communion. 

Confirmation Class is designed for grade 7 and 8 students.  The class meets from September through May, two Sundays a month.  On one Sunday, it is a gathering with all the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada congregations in Saskatoon, for a lively meeting that builds bridges between our churches using Faith Inkubators Curriculum.  Once a month we meet in our congregational groupings to deepen friendships and learn more deeply about the Bible, and the Catechism. 

Adult Education opportunities are varied.  They include: Spiritual Growth Group (for women), Men's Book and Breakfast Group, Afternoon and Evening Bible Studies and Topical Studies.  Evangelical Lutheran Women Monthly Bible Study.