Participation in the NEST Saskatoon – Supporting refugee settlement in Saskatoon, finding suitable homes, schools and community connections.
Soap/Shampoo Project – Unused soap from local hotels is sorted, dried and repackaged, along with unused shampoo, for local shelters and youth centres such as EGADZ and the White Buffalo Lodge and sent overseas to Haiti and Malawi.
Quilt Project – Over 100 quilts are sewn and sent to CLWR annually for distressed communities in places like Jordan, El Salvador and Mauritania. Mitten Tree – Knitters and crocheters provide mittens, scarves, hats, sweaters and socks for the local Crisis Nursery and the Scattered Site in LaRonge annually.
“Holy Rollers and Tearers” – A dedicated group of workers who meet regularly transforming discarded linens into new bedsheets, bandages, gurney sheets and slings, while pillowcases are made into little girls’ sundresses. These are shipped to various countries such as Haiti, the Philippines, Ethiopia and Bangladesh through CLWR, Food for the Hungry and SaskTel. Single sheets are sewn for local shelters. This group is often joined by a group of Grade 9 students from Oskayak High School – a First Nations school located close to Augustana. The students receive a community service credit for their work.
The J.O.Y.(Just Older Youth)Group – meets on a monthly basis to enjoy special guest speakers and luncheons.
Last year The congregation collected and sent over 300 Sweaters to Syrian Refugees in Jordon through CLWR.
School materials are assembled for the Living and Learning Kits and articles sewn and bundled for Baby Layettes which are sent to refugee camps and schools in need around the world. Queen Elizabeth School – We collect school supplies and money to benefit students of Queen Elizabeth Community School.
Parish Nurse Program– With the support of the Health Cabinet, our Parish Nurse cares for the whole person while encouraging and informing our faith community about healthy living.
Lenten Services – Are offered and open to all in the community every year during the Lenten season. Each Wednesday service is held at a different Lutheran church with a guest pastor preaching.
Collective Kitchen – The Bread of Life meet monthly at Augustana to offer cooking sessions in partnership with CHEP – a community-based food education program.
Friendship Inn – Meals are served by volunteers year round on a monthly basis. Meals-On-Wheels – Volunteers deliver meals to seniors each year in the Fall.
Food Bank – A continuous supply of food is collected each month for needy recipients.
Christmas Hampers – Volunteers organize and deliver food hampers to individuals and families in need.
Sherbrooke Community Centre (Care Facility) – Several members of Augustana participate in an ecumenical worship service at the centre on a regular basis.
Luther Special Care Home – Augustana, through the ELW, provide a program for seniors celebrating birthdays and anniversaries during the month of October as well as helping with the serving of birthday cake and coffee.
Broadway/Nutana Lay Ecumenical Homelessness Committee – Augustan is a member of this Committee which runs campaigns for the collection of clean, useable luggage & backpacks for those in need.
Lutheran Campus Centre – Augustana, through the ELW, provides cookies year round as well as a hot meal to students at the Centre each Fall.
Crisis Nursery and the Lutheran Theological Seminary – Baskets of cookies are packed and delivered to the local Crisis Nursery and the Lutheran Theological Seminary students every Christmas and to shut-ins every Easter.
Christian Children’s Fund of Canada – Augustana supports an adopted child financially throughout the year and has done so for decades.
Forever in Motion – Exercise classes are offered twice weekly to all interested seniors in the community.
World Day of Prayer – Augustana participates in this program on the first Friday in March every year as well as hosting it every 3-4 years.
Community groups - AA and Amnesty International – Saskatoon Group 33 regularly meet in our church.
Augustana is a strong Congregation of Lutherans and Anglicans who are open to diversity. A vibrant worship life is a priority and music is highly prized. A strong Church Council and strong, active committees provide an atmosphere where members of the Congregation and the Pastor work together in a team setting.
Augustana Church is a family in Christ. We gather to worship God and to celebrate God’s grace received through faith. We are Christians who proclaim the universal lordship of Jesus Christ and, as Lutherans and Anglicans, we believe that we receive salvation through faith, not through our own works. Our congregation aims to serve God and use our different talents in Christian service in our community and the world. Through the Holy Spirit, we draw closer to Christ, spreading His good news and sharing His love through word and deed to foster the continual growth of the church.
We are a Christ-centred, welcoming community. We commit ourselves to modeling Christ’s unconditional love in our worship, learning, fellowship, friendship, and service to others. Just as God welcomes and cares for us, so we welcome everyone to participate in all aspects of our community without regard to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, culture or ethnic background, physical or mental abilities, family or economic status, gender, or age. We pledge to ourselves and all others that we will strive to live as a reconciling people in our life together and in our outreach to the world.
Everyone wishing to receive the healing gift of God's grace and who believes Christ is present, is welcomed at the table to participate in the Eucharist. White grape juice in glasses is provided for those who cannot take wine. Red wine is presented in the chalice, glasses and intinction cup.
Staff comprises the Pastor, Administrative Assistant, Choir Director, Organists/Pianists and Custodian. Volunteers include Altar Guild, Property Management, 1209 Broadway Property Management, Tech Crew, Ushers, Worship Assistants, Choir Members.
During 2014/2015 the installation of an elevator, three fully accessible washrooms and a ramp into the lower hall from the hallway were completed. Anyone with mobility issues now has access to all areas of our facility enabling them to participate in worship services and all programs and functions which take place in the building.
Augustana is excited about the continuing relationship between the two denominations and the richness of the experiences we share. We're excited and proud of the new elevator, three accessible washrooms and ramp which mean people can participate in all services and activities within the building. We're excited about our rich music resources and our Jazz services. We're excited about Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth Gathering, our work as a Reconciling-in-Christ Congregation, with moving forward and being progressive, our Parish Nursing program, social activities, sharing the responsibilities of leadership, taking on new projects and continuing with successful ones.
In 2009 St. Timothy’s Anglican Parish began to share our building. A new Anglican service was added Sundays at 9:00 a.m., with Lutheran worship following at 10:45 a.m. St. Timothy’s Anglican Parish disbanded to amalgamate into Emmanuel Anglican Parish in 2013. Fifteen members of St. Timothy’s stayed as Anglican members of Augustana, known as St. Timothy’s ministry. This new ministry brought some significant changes to our worship life:
- The Augustana Choir became the Choir of Augustana- St. Timothy’s, growing in numbers from about 12to about 18 singers.
We have had a tradition of Jazz Services at Augustana. While there have been Jazz Vespers from time to time, we are especially known for hosting the “Hosanna” Jazz services during the Saskatoon Jazz Festival—one service the opening weekend of the Festival and one the closing weekend.
We worship once weekly at 10:30 a.m., using Evangelical Lutheran Worship (exceptions are Anglican liturgies). Services planned by a very active Worship Committee, include a children's story and Sunday School. Occasionally guest preachers are welcomed. Communion is celebrated weekly.
Other services include Healing Services (within Sunday Worship), Christmas Eve Services (a family service at 6:00 p.m. and a Communion service at 8:00p.m.), Christmas Day, Maundy Thursday (preceded by a meal), Good Friday, and we have recently begun observing the Easter Vigil. Special Lessons & Carols Services take place on the first Sunday in Advent and the Sunday after Christmas. Other special observances such as votive candle-lighting is part of the service on All Saints' Sunday and during a Sunday in Advent (Blue Christmas). We participate in inter-church Lutheran Lenten services and other ecumenical events such as the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Jazz services take place during Saskatoon's Jazz Festival.
A roster of musicians serve the congregation; from October through May a choir enhances worship with service music and anthems, and assists in teaching and supporting new liturgies and hymns. Musicians lead either from the piano or the organ and are sometimes assisted by instrumentalists from the congregation: percussionist, string players, bass, etc.
Congregational singing is strong. The number of liturgies in rotation through the year reveal a congregation open to trying new things, quick to learn, and interested in worship that is dynamic and varied. We certainly have our beloved traditional hymns and we sing them often, but new hymns are regularly taught and programmed. Worship from one Sunday to another can be quite different: one service may have traditional hymns led from the organ, and classical or 20th -21st century organ incidental music; another may embrace some of the newer hymns and be led from the piano along with a small group of musicians. Most services will combine both traditional and contemporary. Yet, even with the eclecticism of our practices, it is important for us to have our worship strive to be an honest and profound expression of our faith. The standard of music performance during the service is high, but the emphasis is not on performance, but on service. Choir anthems chosen have theological as well as musical merit and always relate in some way to the themes of the day.
We have a tradition of having lay persons (and ordained members of the Congregation) serving as Assistant Ministers in reading lessons, leading the Intercessory Prayers, as well as assisting in distribution of the Sacrament of Communion. Members of the congregation are encouraged to serve as cantors for the singing of the Kyrie, the leading of certain hymns (such as call and response), and the Psalm, which is occasionally sung.
Instruments include a Yamaha C3 studio grand piano and a 1990 Allen Digital Computer Organ with Midi Expander. We own a full set of handbells (although we do not have an active handbell choir at this time), a set of chimes, and a good-sized choral library.
We participate in a City-wide Confirmation program with other ELCIC Lutheran Churches. Bible studies and other adult education experiences are regular events. Our youth take part in activities in our church and the city wide Lutheran youth group.
The Congregation has a long history of actively supporting the work of Synod with members and Pastors serving on Councils, Boards and Committees. Members have served on the Board of Canadian Lutheran World Relief. Youth members have participated in CLAY Gatherings. Members have served on Missions and taught in other countries.
1929 marked the formal organization of the congregation with Rev. Dr. Anton Nelson installed as Pastor. Two lots on the present site of the South East corner of Broadway Avenue and Seventh Street were purchased. The basement of the church was completed three months later and was dedicated for worship use. Construction of the main floor of the church was completed six years later and dedicated in 1937. Only eight years later the mortgage was burned during a special ceremony.
The first Parsonage was purchased at 6l5-7th Street in 1949, financed through private loans from members and paid off by 1952. In 1962 a replacement parsonage was purchased on Albert Street and later sold in 1978 after which a Housing Allowance was paid to the Pastor.
The Congregation celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 1954. Discussions began on the topic of rebuilding the church but before any action was taken on this, an addition to the building
was completed including new Sunday School classrooms, offices and the tower.
1959 saw the election of Mrs. Elfreida Guenther to the congregation's Church Board of Trustees, the first woman member.
Deconsecration of the original Church took place in 1963, followed by the demolition of the building and the construction of the new Church, about twice the size of the original. While the building was under construction, the Congregation held services at the Seminary. Fifteen years later, in 1978, another mortgage-burning celebration took place. The 50th Anniversary of the Congregation was celebrated in 1979.
The house at 1209 Broadway, immediately south of the Church was purchased for $15,800.00 in 1968 for possible future expansion projects. No expansion has been undertaken and the house and suite continue to be rented out for income.
The wheelchair ramp at the back of the Church was constructed and dedicated in 1983. 1984 saw the beginning of two worship services on Sunday mornings. A new Allen digital organ was installed in 1990. 2004 saw the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Congregation. In 2005 it was decided to revert to one worship service each Sunday.
The Parish Nurse pilot program was approved in 2009 with Carol Kostiuk, RN serving as Parish Nurse. St. Timothy's Anglican Parish began to share our facilities in the same year. Parish nursing became a permanent program in 2010 with Carol serving on a part time basis.
2013 saw Augustana become a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. In the same year, St. Timothy's Anglican Parish disbanded to amalgamate with other Anglican Parishes to form Emmanuel Parish. Fifteen members from St. Timothy's and other Anglicans are Anglican members within a Lutheran church. We value this expression of the Waterloo Accord between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada.
2015 saw the completion of a long-held dream in the construction of the elevator and three accessible washrooms.
Over the years we have been proud to have many Seminary Students serve their Internship with the Congregation.