Dear Church Family,
Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday Worship March 9, First Sunday in Lent.
Thank you to our lector Paul Weatherington, ushers Wayne & Lorne Carlson, musician & choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the Rene & Leverne Baxter for serving as coffee hosts and to the choir for the special music.
Worship link:
The Celebration of Life for Ron Belke will be Saturday, March 8 at 1:30PM at Augustana.
Midweek-Lenten Service 1 will be Wednesday, March 12 at Augustana starting at 5:30 PM with soup, followed by the service.
Blessings on your weekend!
Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin