March 8, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday Worship March 9, First Sunday in Lent.

Thank you to our lector Paul Weatherington, ushers Wayne & Lorne Carlson, musician & choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the Rene & Leverne Baxter for serving as coffee hosts and to the choir for the special music.

Worship link:


  • The Celebration of Life for Ron Belke will be Saturday, March 8 at 1:30PM at Augustana.

  • Midweek-Lenten Service 1 will be Wednesday, March 12 at Augustana starting at 5:30 PM with soup, followed by the service.

 Blessings on your weekend!
 Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

March 1, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday Worship Transfiguration of Our Lord, March 2nd.

The March Newsletter is also attached.

Thank you to our lector & communion assistant, ushers Kathryn Cameron & Noreen Donald, musician Mik Bickis, choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the altar guild for communion preparation, the choir for the special music with Cherie Jarock on violin.

Worship link:


The Augustana Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on immediately after the church service. Quorum is 30 people. Attendance is in-person only. Paper copies of the Annual Report are in the church and you can find it online.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

February 21, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday Worship February 23rd, the 7th Sunday after Epiphany which is also New Members Sunday!

Thank you to our lector Wayne Carlson, ushers Ruari & Toleff Tastad, musician Cherie Jarock, choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Karen Wallace for assisting in worship. Thanks also to Heather Ward & Marilyn Fowlie-Neufeld for serving as coffee hosts and to the choir for the special music.

Worship link:


  • An invitation to gather together for connection, prayer, and solidarity with trans and non-binary siblings and their families. We will gather on Sunday, February 23 at 2pm at St. Martin's United Church (2617 Clarence Ave). Thank you to St. Martin's for providing the space for this sacred time together. If you have any questions, please contact Fruits of the Spirit by emailing 

  • The Augustana Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on March 2, immediately after the church service. Quorum is 30 people. Please contact Pat Blakley at by Saturday February 22 if you are unable to attend in person and will require a link to Zoom. The AGM is planned as an in-person only meeting.  Paper copies of the Annual Report are in the church and you can find it online.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

February 15, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday Worship February 16th, the 6th Sunday after Epiphany. The 2024 Annual Report is also attached. Paper copies are in the church.

Thank you to our lector & communion assistant Katie Ottley, ushers Edith & Lorne Carlson, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the altar guild for communion prep. Special Thanks to Rev. Dr. Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero for leading this Sunday’s service.

Worship link:


An invitation to gather together for connection, prayer, and solidarity with trans and non-binary siblings and their families. Whether you are a firm believer in the power of prayer or are someone would just needs to be surrounded by the power of loving community - you are welcome to join us! We will gather on Sunday, February 23 at 2pm at St. Martin's United Church (2617 Clarence Ave). Thank you to St. Martin's for providing the space for this sacred time together. If you have any questions, please contact Fruits of the Spirit by emailing

February 7, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday Worship February 9th, the 5th Sunday after Epiphany.

Just a reminder that Lunch & Learn is this Sunday after the service.

Thank you to our lector Noreen Donald, ushers Kathryn Cameron & Larry Trenouth, musician & choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the choir for the special music, and to the coffee crew of Linda Catton & Heather Ward. Special Thanks to Deacon Alexa Wallace for leading this Sunday’s service.

Worship link:


The Augustana Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on March 2, immediately after the church service. The Annual Report will be available by February 16. The AGM is planned as an in-person only meeting. Zoom, however, will be available if required. Please contact Pat Blakley at by February 22 if you are unable to attend in person and will require a link to Zoom. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Kirk, Pat or another member of Church Council. Quorum is 30 people.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 31, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday February 2, the Presentation of Our Lord. The February Newsletter is also attached.

Thank you to our lector Chris Martin, our acolytes, communion assistant Pat Blakely, ushers Jane Bickis & Noreen Donald, musician & choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the choir for the special music, and to the altar guild for the communion prep.

Worship link:


The Augustana Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on March 2, immediately after the church service. The Annual Report will be available by February 16. The AGM is planned as an in-person only meeting. Zoom, however, will be available if required. Please contact Pat Blakley at by February 22 if you are unable to attend in person and will require a link to Zoom. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Kirk, Pat or another member of Church Council. Quorum is 30 people.

 Have a blessed weekend!

 Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 24, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday January 26, the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany.

Thank you to our lector Katie Ottley, ushers Kathryn Cameron & Marie Ebbert, musician & choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Karen Wallace for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the choir for the special music, and to the coffee crew of Kathryn Cameron, Marie Ebbert and Isabel Zacharias.

Worship link:


The Augustana Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on March 2, immediately after the church service. Please submit committee reports to Lorene by January 27. The Annual Report will be available by February 16. The AGM is planned as an in-person only meeting. Zoom, however, will be available if required. Please contact Pat Blakley by February 22 if you are unable to attend in person and will require a link to Zoom. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Kirk, Pat or another member of Church Council. Quorum is 30 people.

Augustana 2024 Tax Receipts will be issued during the first 2 weeks of February or before. Secondary receipts for January & February will be issued in March unless otherwise notified.

Blessings on your weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 17, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday January 19, the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany.

Thank you to our lector Wayne Carlson, ushers Edith & Lorne Carlson, communion assistant Katie Ottley, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the Sharon Buck for the special music, and to the altar guild for communion prep.

Worship link:

Blessings on your weekend and stay warm!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 10, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday January 12, the Baptism of our Lord.

Thank you to our lector Paul Weatherington, ushers Jane Bickis & Heather Ward, musician Cherie Jarock, choir director Deborah Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the Choir for the special music, to Rene & Leverne Baxter for serving as coffee hosts, with special thanks to Pastor Marilyn for providing the message this Sunday.

Worship link:

Please note that the Fellowship Hall is not accessible until Monday Afternoon due to the stripping and waxing of the floors. Access to the kitchen is still available.

Blessings on your weekend,

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 3, 2025

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday January 5, the Epiphany of our Lord.

Thank you to our lector Margareth Peterson, communion assistants Pat Blakley and Noreen Donald, ushers Jane Bickis & Larry Trenouth, musician Mik Bickis, and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the altar guild for communion prep.

Worship link:

Please note the January Newsletter is also attached.


Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

December 28, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday December 29, the 1st Sunday of Christmas, our Lessons & Carol Service.

Thank you to our lectors Ruth Zuk, Bryan Tastad, & Noreen Donald, ushers Edith & Lorne Carlson, choir director Deborah Buck, & the Augustana-St. Timothy’s Choir, and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld for assisting in worship. Thanks also to Mik Bickis & Deb Buck (organ & piano), Anna Marie Skogsrud (Piano & vocal), Bryan Tastad (clarinet) for their musical talents.

Worship link:


Pastor Kirk will be out of the office from December 26th to January 2nd.

Lorene will be out of the office Dec. 26, 27, Dec. 31, Jan. 1.

Happy New Year!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

December 24, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletins and the Children’s Activity Sheets for December 24th (6PM and 8PM) and December 25th.

December 24th Christmas Eve 6PM Worship link:

Thank you to the 6PM Christmas Eve worship assistants: lectors Chris Martin & Paul Weatherington, ushers Tim Blakley & Alice/Wilmer Hamp, musician Anna Marie Skogsrud, choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Karen Wallace. Also thanks to our acolyte, the Augustana-St. Timothy’s choir with soloist Pat Blakley for their musical talents. 

December 24th Christmas Eve 8PM: This is an in-person service only with Holy Communion.

Thank you the 8PM Christmas Eve worship assistants: lectors Mik Bickis & Echo Fettes, communion assistants Pat Blakley & Marilyn Fowlie-Neufeld & Margareth Peterson, ushers Marie Lovrod & Heather Ward, and musician & choir director Deborah Buck. Thank you also to the altar guild for the communion preparations and our acolyte. And special thanks to the choir with soloist Echo Fettes , and Elsa & Hannah Lissel-DeCorby for their musical talents. 

December 25th at 10:30AM : This is an in-person service only with Holy Communion.

Thank you to our lector Chris Martin, communion assistant Linda Stauffer, ushers Cherie Jarock & Toleff & Ruari Tastad, and the altar guild for communion preparations. Special thanks to musician & choir director Deborah Buck, the choir, and violinist Cherie Jarock for their musical talents.

Have a blessed Christmas all.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

December 20, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin and the Children’s Activity Sheets for this 4th Sunday of Advent.

 Thank you to our lector Pat Blakley; ushers Edith & Lorne Carlson; musician Cherie Jarock; choir director Deb Buck; and technical support Karen Wallace for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the Augustana-St. Timothys Choir for the special music, to special musical guests Mabel & Henry Harrington, and to Ruari & Toleff Tastad for their talents on the Cello & Violin.

 Worship link:


Our Deepest Condolences to the Nordstrom family in the loss of Bruce.

 Christmas Info

Dec. 24, 6 PM: Livestream, Candlelight, no communion

Dec. 24, 8 PM: No livestream, Candlelight, Holy Communion

Dec. 25, 10:30 AM: No livestream, Holy Communion

Dec. 29, 10:30 AM: Livestream, Lessons & Carols

Dec. 30, 12PM: Final deposit of cheques and cash for 2024.

 The congregation of Augustana is collecting a secret Christmas/Year End Gift of cash for Pastor Kirk. If you wish to contribute, please enclose your donation in a cream-coloured envelope (found in a basket at the back of the church) and mark it “Pastor’s Gift”. If contributing a cheque, please make it payable to Kirk Tastad. Gifts will be accepted until noon on December 29th and are not eligible for charitable donation tax receipts.

Many Blessings on behalf of your Church Council

 Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

December 13, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for this 3rd Sunday of Advent.

Thank you to our lector Betty Warren; communion assistants: James & Mason Lindenbach, Katie Ottley, Margareth Peterson, & Paul Weatherington; ushers the Lindenbach family; musician & choir director Deb Buck; and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld for assisting in worship.  Thanks also to the altar guild for preparing communion, the Augustana-St. Timothys Choir for the special music, and to Pastor Marilyn for assisting with the clarinet for the Prelude.

Worship link:


Christmas Services

Dec. 24, 6 PM: Livestream, Candlelight, no communion

Dec. 24, 8 PM: No livestream, Candlelight, Holy Communion

Dec. 25, 10:30 AM: No livestream, Holy Communion

Dec. 29, 10:30 AM: Livestream, Lessons & Carols

The congregation of Augustana is collecting a secret Christmas/Year End Gift of cash for Pastor Kirk. If you wish to contribute, please enclose your donation in a cream-coloured envelope (found in a basket at the back of the church) and mark it “Pastor’s Gift”. If contributing a cheque, please make it payable to Kirk Tastad. Gifts will be accepted until noon on December 29th and are not eligible for charitable donation tax receipts. Many Blessings on behalf of your Church Council.

 Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

December 6, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for this Sunday.

Thank you to our lector Linda Jarock; ushers Betty & Ted Warren; musician Mik Bickis; choir director Deb Buck; and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in worship.  Thanks also to the Augustana-St. Timothys Choir for the special music.

Worship link:


  • The funeral of Evelyn Schumacher will be 2 PM at Augustana on Monday, Dec. 9th. The funeral will also be livestreamed by Mourning Glory Funeral Services at

  • The congregation of Augustana is collecting a secret Christmas/Year End Gift of cash for Pastor Kirk. If you wish to contribute, please enclose your donation in a cream-coloured envelope (found in a basket at the back of the church) and mark it “Pastor’s Gift”. If contributing a cheque, please make it payable to Kirk Tastad. Gifts will be accepted until noon on December 29th and are not eligible for charitable donation tax receipts. 

Many Blessings on behalf of your Church Council

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

November 30, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for this Sunday along with the December Newsletter.

Thank you to our lector Katie Ottley; communion assistants Pat Blakley, Sarah Carlson, Katie Ottley, Lindsay Woods, & Ruth Zuk; ushers Bonnie Moser & Wayne Carlson; musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud; choir director Deb Buck; organist Mik Bickis; and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in worship.  Thanks also to the altar guild for preparing communion and to the Augustana-St. Timothys Choir for the special music.

Worship link:


In place of our December Lunch & Learn, we will be hosting a Cookie Social after the service on Sunday. Just a reminder we are looking for donations of approximately 70 dozen cookies, half of which will be place into the Christmas Hamper Health Cabinet is preparing. If you are able to donate cookies, please list your name and expected quantity on the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Any you are willing to bring helps!


Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

November 22, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for this Sunday. Please note that due to predicted weather conditions, the Baptism has been postponed.

In the event of the 20 to 40 cm of snow forecast for Saturday and Sunday with windchill, and in concern for everyone’s safety, there is a strong possibility the worship service will just be a prerecorded Sermon you can view online.  

Watch your emails Saturday late afternoon/early evening for confirmation in regards to the cancellation of in-person worship and a different worship link. Youth activities for Sunday would also be cancelled.

If Sunday in-person worship does go ahead, thank you to our lector Wayne Carlson, ushers Heather Ward and Toleff & Ruari Tastad, musician Cherie Jarock, and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in worship.  Thanks also to the coffee hosting crew of Betty & Ted Warren and Heather Ward.

Worship link:

Stay safe this weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

November 16, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the children’s activity sheets, announcements, and bulletin for Sunday November 17th worship.

Thank you to our lector Chris Martin; communion assistant Pat Blakley; ushers Edith & Lorne Carlson; choir director Deb Buck; musician: Anna-Marie Skogsrud; and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld. Special thanks to the Altar Guild for communion preparation as well as the Choir for the special music.

Worship link for Sunday:

To Note:

The latest issue of the LuMinHoS Caregiver newsletter is available here (November 2024 Caregiver Newsletter).  Thank you for your ongoing faithful prayers and financial support. Your participation enables the continuation of this valued hospital ministry. We wish you peace and abundant blessings as we look ahead to the upcoming Advent season,

LuMinHoS Communications Team

 And if anyone can volunteer to help for any worship roles in December , that would be greatly appreciated.

We are looking for extra communion assistants in December as there will be 2 stations serving communion and we will not be using the railing as Advent Imagery will be in that space. Thanks in advance for your help!

 Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

November 9, 2024

Dear Church Family,

This Sunday along with our regular worship, we remember those who have served.

Please find attached the children’s activity sheets, announcements, and bulletin for Sunday November 10th. 

Thank you to our lector Lindsay Woods; ushers Larry Trenouth & Wes Ulmer; musician Deb Buck; technical support Katie Ottley; and to Linda and Mark Stauffer for preparing the remembrance, along with Brendan Wallace & Kris Lunde for assisting in laying the wreaths. Special thanks to Deacon Alexa Wallace for her assistance in the service with Rev. Kirk Tastad.

Worship link for Sunday:

To Note:

Just a reminder of Lunch and Learn after the service. The Health Cabinet will present a session on Grief with facilitator Dr. Phil Carverhill. He is a doctoral psychologist specializing in grief and loss here in Saskatoon. He is one of the original members of the Canadian Grief Alliance, a group of grief specialists advocating for grief services in Canada. We will discuss aspects of grief and grieving, and resources for grief support. Please plan to join us if you are able.

 If anyone can volunteer to help for any worship roles in December , that would be greatly appreciated.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

November 1, 2024

Dear Church Family,

This Sunday we remember those near and dear with All Saints’ Sunday and Holy Communion.

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements and Children’s Activity Sheet for Nov. 3rd Worship.

​Thank you to all those assisting with the service including lector Katie Ottley; communion assistant Wayne Carlson; acolyte Paul Weatherington; ushers Edith & Lorne Carlson; choir director Deb Buck; musician Mik Bickis; and technical support Bryan Tastad. Thanks also to altar guild for communion preparation and for setting up the candles. And special thanks to the choir for the special music along with Ruari Tastad on Cello and Cherie Jarock on Violin.

Worship Link:


  • Luther Tower Tenants’ Association will be hosting a Fundraising Bazaar on Saturday Nov. 2, from 12 to 3 PM in the Tower Dining Room, 22nd floor of Luther Tower, 1223 Temperance Street. There will be tables featuring baking, crafts, jewelry, knitting, and woodworking. Everyone is Welcome. On-street parking only.

  • If you would like to light a candle in remembrance of a loved one please do so before the service, and please consider coming at least 15 minutes early so worship can start as close to on time as possible. Thank you.

Blessings on your weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin