Dear Church Family,
Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday Worship February 9th, the 5th Sunday after Epiphany.
Just a reminder that Lunch & Learn is this Sunday after the service.
Thank you to our lector Noreen Donald, ushers Kathryn Cameron & Larry Trenouth, musician & choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in worship. Thanks also to the choir for the special music, and to the coffee crew of Linda Catton & Heather Ward. Special Thanks to Deacon Alexa Wallace for leading this Sunday’s service.
Worship link:
The Augustana Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on March 2, immediately after the church service. The Annual Report will be available by February 16. The AGM is planned as an in-person only meeting. Zoom, however, will be available if required. Please contact Pat Blakley at by February 22 if you are unable to attend in person and will require a link to Zoom. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Kirk, Pat or another member of Church Council. Quorum is 30 people.
Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin