October 9, 2020

Dear church family,

God bless your thanksgiving celebration this weekend. Let’s be the 10% that returned to give thanks.

We worship with the other ELCIC churches in Saskatoon this Sunday.  Zion will be leading our joint worship this month. 

The church is not re-opening, we have never been closed.  That is because the church is the people not the building.  We are a community of faith. We have slowly begun to open up the building.  We had our first in-person worship service last Sunday with 10 people in attendance.  I believe that we were able to meet safely by following the guidelines from the province and synod.

You might have heard about church services that resulted in outbreaks of covid 19. I believe these outbreaks are the result of not following proper safety guidelines.  I want to assure you that Augustana will always follow and keep up to date with the recommendations from Saskatchewan public health and the synod.

Here are some announcements:

  • Next Sunday, Oct. 18th:

    • On-line worship from Augustana

    • Zoom Holy Communion 2 pm. Link provided next week.

    • Confirmation 3 pm (Meewasin Park) more information TBA.

  • CPR class – the Oct. 26 class is full.  If you wish to take this class please contact Linda Catton or parish nurse Carol so another class can be scheduled.

  • Items for Nov. newsletter and calendar due to church office by Oct. 20

Worship link for this week:

Zion will be live streaming on their Facebook page at 10:30 am Sunday morning (https://www.facebook.com/ZionLutheranSaskatoon). You do not need a Facebook account to view the livestream.

Zion will also be posting the service to their YouTube page later in the day Sunday (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=zion+lutheran+church+saskatoon) – you can also search Zion Lutheran Church, Saskatoon

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn