November 21, 2020

Dear Church Family,

This past week there has been some grim news and warnings about the rate of covid infection in our province. Our care homes and hospitals are once again “no-visit” zones and we are being asked to limit our everyday contacts.  This is difficult news for anyone in care and for families and friends who cannot visit in person.

Your assignment this week is to reach out and contact someone who is living in care or to contact a person who has someone in care with whom they cannot visit. Please keep the residents and staff of the Lutheran Special Care Home (Sunset home), Rehoboth Care Home and all care homes in your prayers.  

If you want to talk to someone give me or our parish nurse Carol a call.

I would like to share a prayer poem with you that acknowledges our dark times, but points to the light which we know is the light of Christ.

In Times of Affliction

May we discover that the road we didn’t choose

didn’t want to travel,

is a highway that leads unerringly

towards the light

Frances Copsey

(in A book of Blessings, Ruth Burgess, Wild Goose Publications 2001)

One bright light this past week was the baptism of David Lindenbach.  His baptism is included in our worship this Sunday. I would like to remind you that when someone is baptized our whole congregation is asked to support and care for them and help them grow in their Christian faith.  That is a very happy task for us to take on. 

God bless and keep you well!

Your sister in Christ,

Pastor Marilyn

Ps. Bruce Nordstrom who recently moved to Samaritan Place has a birthday on Dec. 3.  His family is asking that you send him a birthday greeting.  His daughter Debbie will read them to him.  (by regular mail: Bruce Nordstrom, c/o Samaritan Place, Room BLA213-375 Cornish Road, Saskatoon, SK. S7T 0P3; by email:

Worship link this week: