May 23, 2020

Dear Church Family,

Spring has really arrived and some restrictions are being loosened.  Both are welcome and both require some work.  Thank you to Gord Morley and Mik and Jane Bickis for their spring clean-up work in the church yard.  I have outlined some of the work in progress that goes along with loosening restrictions in the province.

  • We now have a Zoom licence. So if you wish to have a meeting please contact me to set it up.

  • Newsletter – please have items for the June newsletter in as soon as possible (  It will be available next weekend.

  • Book of remembrances for Georgina Krenn.  Please send in your items for this as soon as possible.  They can be your memory of Georgina and/or your message to her family.

  • Weekly assignment – there are many who feel the isolation more deeply: those who live alone and those who have underlying health concerns that make continued isolation necessary.  Please reach out, by phone call, to one of these folk.

  • Please keep Gabi Lindenbach and family in your prayers.  Gabi’s step-mother died on Mother’s Day.

  • Many of you have pointed out wonderful resources on the internet.  If you are on Facebook please share them with Augustana’s Facebook page.

  • I have been asked if etransfer donations can be made to the church. Yes, they can be made to  The church banks through Affinity credit union.

Return to 1201 Broadway – aka the church building

Health Cabinet and Worship committee are working on plans to help us find a safe new normal for our congregation. We will, of course, follow all the Saskatchewan recommendations and regulations. Phase 3 of the relaunch Saskatchewan is set to begin June 8.  At that time it will be possible to have gatherings of 15 people or less (with physical distancing and use of face masks, etc).  We will continue to worship through the internet and deliver printed copies of our worship. 

When the number allowed in the church building reaches 30 we will possibly have one or two services a week in the building while also keeping our taped service on the internet.  We are exploring how to do this safely.  It will likely mean that people will sign up to attend a service in advance.  Our communion practice will be different. Many of our congregation will still need to worship at home. Church services will be offered in more than one way, but we will still be one community.

You will notice that I am using language that is tentative – “likely” and “possibly”.  We are still learning what steps are necessary to keep our community safe and healthy.  We want to act responsibly to ensure that.  

I hope you are able to enjoy the warmth of a springtime sunbeam. God keep you safe and well.

Your sister in Christ,

Pastor Marilyn

This week’s link to worship