September 19, 2020

Dear church family,

You might notice a little doggy face peeping out at you this week during worship.  It was not intentional, but it certainly fits with us marking the season of creation.  I had to tape my part of the service from home since I was waiting to hear back on a covid 19 test.  Our dog Sophie quietly took her place behind me and checked out the camera.  Fortunately, the letter carrier did not come while we were taping J or you would have seen and heard Sophie.

I have attached two links this week

·       Worship Service

·        Holy communion by zoom (2pm Sunday afternoon)

There are instructions on how to set up for Holy Communion by zoom in the September newsletter on our website. 

We plan to have an in-person worship service on Sunday, October 4.  Be prepared for worship to be different than you are used to.  If you wish to attend this service, please register by calling or emailing Lorene at the church office. We are limited to about 35 attendees for worship. I will tell you more next week. 

As a congregation we are trying to maintain as much of our regular ministry as possible. We are still In Mission. Many of our groups are meeting again or are preparing to meet.  Some meet in person or outside.  Some meet by zoom and some by a combination of in-person and zoom.  There are specific guidelines for us to follow in order to meet safely.  We add a new group or meeting every 2 or 3 weeks and pause before adding anything new. This is a learning experience for us all, but it enables us to be in mission during a pandemic. Thank you for your continued efforts to keep in touch and care for each other.  I have appreciated your support and encouragement and suggestions.       

God bless and keep you safe!

Pastor Marilyn

PS. I deliver a copy of our weekly worship service to people who do not have access to internet. If you know of someone who needs this, please let me know. Pr. M.