January 23, 2021

Dear church family,

As the returning sun shines for longer each day I pray that your hope and faith also increase day by day. As more of our vulnerable people are vaccinated there is a sense of relief, but our time of face masks and physical distancing is not yet over.  We are called to continue to be a caring community of faith: masking and distancing in order to care for one another.

There are a few things coming up to help us on our way.  There will be more information in next week’s newsletter, but I want to pique your interest with a little taste of what’s on the horizon: 

  • Our Journey from Syria begins February 1 – we are walking from Syria with our refugee family and as we walk with them we will also learn more about being a refugee.  10 minutes activity = 1 kilometer and we have a lot of kilometers to go.  Please invite friends and neighbours to join our walk and get planning how you can make your kilometers add up.

  • Lent begins with a joint on-line Ash Wednesday service on Feb. 17.  Lent mid-week services will be Wednesdays on-line with Holden Evening Prayer and Devotion. 

  • Bible Study – I have had to postpone our Tuesday Bible Study because of a slower recovery from eye surgery than anticipated.

  • Our annual meeting will be a Zoom meeting. March 21. Don’t worry if you are uncomfortable with Zoom -- we are going to have a practice run February 28 and there will be a phone-in option.

  • Your weekly assignment – I have asked for help in coming up with a weekly challenge to reach out to others in our church family.  Here is one of those suggestions for this week’s assignment: contact someone who has a birthday in the same month as you. Our last directory contained a celebration calendar to help you with that.  This might also be a time to put your celebration dates in our calendar so we can keep it up to date. 

  • Guest preacher this week:  BC Bishop Pastor Gregory Mohr

God bless and keep you well!

Pastor Marilyn

Worship Link:   https://youtu.be/VMq4dm1cNN0

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168