October 16, 2021

Dear church family,

I was reminded this week that we do live in interesting times.  There are lots of other descriptors for our times as well J . We have all experienced our times in some similar ways, but we have also all had unique experiences of living through a pandemic.  How are you doing?

We continue to meet for worship in person. It is a small group – which I think is good.  We continue to meet on-line – which I also think is good.  You can join your church family for worship live, livestreamed, taped, or by phone.  It seems like quite a smorgasbord of options and that is because you are important in this family and we want to make sure that you have access however possible.

Announcements and hymn lyrics are in the attachment:  please check out the notes regarding our parish nurse and custodian.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/XlioWLAB40w

(the live service begins at 10:30 am Sunday morning and the recorded version is available later in the day)

Worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168