October 30, 2021

Dear Church Family,

My message is brief today as the newsletter is attached with all sorts of information.  Please join us for worship this week as we celebrate Reformation Sunday. You can join us in person or livestreamed at 10:30 Sunday morning or you can view the taped service or phone recording later in the day.

Next Sunday will be All Saints’ Sunday and we will remember the saints that have gone on ahead of us.  If you plan to worship from home and wish to light a candle in remembrance, please contact the church office so that we can light a candle on your behalf prior to the service.

We continue to have 20-30 participants at the in-person services and that seems to be a good number given the continued presence of the covid 19 virus in the community.

I will be in Calgary this coming week for my Mother’s service.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/f7nE9bAPl0Q

Worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168