December 4, 2021

Dear Church family,

The newsletter is out this week so I will keep my comments brief.  I’d like to say thanks for the support you have given for our Christmas hampers.  It has been a rough year for many people and the Christmas grocery vouchers will be appreciated!

Two Candles this week.  This time of year just flies.  As you are making plans for Christmas this year please make time to celebrate with your church family.  Our Christmas Eve Candle Light Service and Christmas Day Lessons and Carols service will be on-line this year so you can gather with the people in your bubble to be part of each service.  We are thankful for the musical support of our choir and worship assistants and technical folk who make these services very special and accessible.   

December 19th at 3 pm will be a Blue Christmas Service (in-person and not recorded).  See details for this in the newsletter and the attached poster.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship this week: