February 19, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Looks like the weekend is bringing warmer weather. What a welcome treat!

Please find attached the worship service for Feb. 21st.

Worship Link: Can be found on the Augustana YouTube Channel     https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCua4E9ZVxlZ4Wfmct0ZLnBA/videos

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168

  • To note, in one month it will be Augustana’s AGM by Zoom. Don’t worry if you are uncomfortable with Zoom – there will be a practice run March 14th and there will also be a phone-in option.

  • We have entered into the season of Lent, and mid-week services will be Wednesdays, on-line with Holden Evening Prayer and Devotion. The following is the Zoom link information for all Wednesday Inter-Lenten services:



Zoom App:
Meeting ID: 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

         1 647 374 4685 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604
         1 647 558 0588 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

  • Our Walk from Syria continues with over a 2,300 KM travelled in 3 weeks. There is another 6 weeks and 7,400 KMS to go. Check in every week on the website for reflections and updates and don’t forget to email in pictures to the office when you have the chance. No larger than 2MB.  Please send in your kilometers every week by Friday noon (phone, email) 10 minutes activity = 1 kilometer. And please invite friends and neighbours to join our walk (we have some other congregations joining) to help the kilometres add up.

Blessings on behalf of Pastor Marilyn, (who is recovering well from cataract surgery and will be back in the office next week).