June 5, 2021

Dear Church Family,

This is my last update until July as I am going to take some time off.  Worship will continue every week while I am away.  The weekly link will be available on our website or through the church office.  The phone number for worship remains the same every week. 

This week (and June 20th) Evelyn Knoll has provided special music. It is wonderful to hear her play for worship!

Katherine Soule Blaser asked me to share the link to her Mom, Edna Soule’s, funeral.  The funeral was held at Augustana with a small number of family members present. The link for Edna’s funeral is:  https://youtu.be/0WSuS_-4nxo

Mental Health suggestions this week – I recently came across information from Red Cross that has a program called “Red Cross Friendly Calls.”  The program pairs specially trained volunteers for regular phone visit to people looking for new social connections.  Here is a link to some mental health suggestions from them https://www.redcross.ca/blog/2021/4/feeling-stressed-how-to-handle-the-ongoing-pandemic.  (more below as well)

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship this week:  https://youtu.be/95imXRXdrSI

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168 (same every week)

Zoom communion in June will be Sunday, June 6 at 2 pm


Also from the Red Cross blog: 

Feeling lonely? It’s expected – and many people are feeling this way right now.

Last year we teamed up with research firm Leger for a study on the social and psychological impacts related to COVID-19 for Canadians. The study found that nearly one-third of those 65 years and older who are living alone and in fair or poor health reported feeling lonely either frequently or every day. The results also suggest that young adults have a more pronounced vulnerability to loneliness.

Fortunately, there are things you can do. Here’s four tips on helping yourself and others.


This may seem obvious, but it’s common for people to feel like they should struggle alone with loneliness.

You don’t have to wait for others to make contact - try and reach out yourself. Chances are, if you’re missing a friend, they might be missing you too.

It can help to have a think about the people you know and come up with some ideas for how you can connect with them better. 


Meeting new people can also help with loneliness, although admittedly this may be tougher than normal during the pandemic.

Think of activities or hobbies you enjoy or you’d like to learn. Chances are, there’s an opportunity to join others with the same interests. If you’re not able to take up a new hobby or activity in person right now, you could look into online activities such as a virtual games group, language lessons or even an online book club.

Volunteering with a charitable organisation (including the Red Cross, wink wink!) is an excellent way to expand your circle. The Canadian Red Cross also has virtual volunteer opportunities for those who want to help out from their home right now.

Still unsure how to start? Our friends at the British Red Cross have a helpful resource for creating new connections.


If you’re struggling with loneliness, don’t be afraid to ask for help.


Finally, make sure you check in on others who may be feeling lonely right now.  Let’s keep looking out for one another, keep safe, and keep healthy.