August 14, 2021

Dear church family,

This Sunday will be our 4th worship service in-person! During that time we have made it a priority to ensure that people without access to a computer have space at church.  But there is room for more people at worship in person.  We have been following careful guidelines to ensure that we are gathering for worship safely. If you feel comfortable, come and join us at 10:30 am this Sunday. Give me a call, text, or email to let me know you are coming. 

There will still be worship on-line (and we are improving on recording a live service, thanks for your patience). The best way to access Sunday morning worship is through our website (it will be available sometime on Sunday). We also still have worship by phone.  We welcome Good Shepherd Lutheran to worship again this week.

Lorene Jewett will be back in the office this week after her vacation.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Website link:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168