September 24, 2021

Dear church family,

As Pastor Marilyn is not available as she deals with the health of her mother, and upon the recommendation of the Health Cabinet, there will not be an in-person service again this week. Augustana Sunday’s service will be a pre-recorded one from last year.  Worship link at:

You will find the Worship Service document attached and it will be available on the website as well.

For those who would prefer a live worship service, you are invited to attend the YouTube livestream from Zion Lutheran at 10:30 this Sunday morning. Worship link at

Please find a copy of the Zion Sunday Bulletin also attached.

OR if you like, you a welcome to view the recorded Sept. 26th service for Good Shepherd Lutheran Sunday Evening (or Monday) on their website

Click on the link and scroll down to Sunday Recorded Service video.  The Good Shepherd Sunday Bulletin is attached as well.

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168 (same every week)

And just a reminder about supplies for Queen Elizabeth school. We are extending the deadline to mid-October for items and donations to be received.

Last, but not least a message from (ELCIC) National Bishop Susan Johnson:

"I invite you to make Thursday, September 30th a day of quiet reflection, learning and/or participating in a community event. September 30 reminds us that every child matters. It is a day to remember the children who did not return home from residential schools, survivors, families and all who need healing. May God's grace and unconditional love surround you as you pray, reflect, learn and gather.” Read the letter from ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson here