January 22, 2022

Dear Church Family,

I hope you are all keeping well as we wend our way through another week in this pandemic.

Confirmation class this Sunday will be by zoom at noon. Next Sunday, January 30th,  at noon we will have a zoom coffee time.  I will include that link/invitation with next week’s update.

I have the same two-part assignment as last week.  Part one: phone or contact someone who helps to give you strength and courage. Part two:  phone or contact someone who needs your encouragement.  The first part is self-care and the second part is taking care of another.

There will not always be someone in the church office for the time being, but the phone messages will always be answered and my cell phone is always on and charged. Lorene and I will take turns being in the office.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Link to worship this week:  https://youtu.be/XB0yC1w7R1Y