January 8, 2022

Dear Church Family,

I have been in a quandary this past week.  Should I encourage people to stay home … should we discourage in-person worship.  I have been reassured we are safe to worship in person because our congregation has a high rate of vaccination, maintains physical distance between households and masks. But I am a worrier and do not want anyone to become sick because of their attendance at worship. But I also know that there is great comfort and meaning in attending worship in person for many people.

For this week we will have in-person worship as well as worship on-line and by phone.  But before you do come to worship in person, please do a risk assessment: does the need to be at church in person outweigh the risk?

I and other church leaders will meet with Bishop Sid Haugen on Wednesday to learn more about covid modeling in our province and what is the best way forward for our urban church family. May God give us wisdom in the decisions we make.   

Once again I would like to give you all an assignment for the week:  Please call three other people from our church directory. One of the three being someone you think has been isolated these past 22 months.   

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Link for worship this week:  https://youtu.be/bGlB1hm_oeE