March 18, 2022

Hello Church Family,

Due to unexpected circumstances, there will be a week’s delay in returning to in-person services.

This Sunday we welcome Pastor Hugh Farmer who will be leading the livestream service.

Worship link this week:


Beginning March 27th – 20 people pre-registered for worship  

Since we are a community of faith our return to in person worship and events happens as a community.  Below are ways in which we can care for one another in returning to the church building. When you are ready to return in person here are the basic guidelines we are following at Augustana.

What you can expect of your church family when you come to worship

  • Beginning with worship in small numbers, we will proceed carefully and add changes gradually.

  • Masks will be required for worship. Extra masks will be available.

  • We will ensure that there is good air circulation with open windows. Wear a sweater or jacket to be warm

  • Worship service will 45 minutes or shorter.

  • Covid 19 protocols will be observed:  i.e. no passing of offering plate, creative sharing of the peace, no hand shaking.

  • Hand sanitizer will be readily available

  • When we celebrate Holy Communion or a baptism we will do so following covid guidelines from Saskatchewan Synod

  • We will attempt to keep up with the latest information about covid in order to make appropriate changes.

What your church family expects of you

  • There is no pressure to return to in person worship and events.  You will return to in person worship and events when you are ready. Until you are ready, you can worship with us on-line.

  • That you will wear a mask to worship in-person.

  • You will stay home if you feel unwell or test positive.

  • If possible - take a rapid test before coming to church (we also have rapid tests available at the church)

  • Vaccination and boosting is recommended.

Risk assessment for worship at Augustana

  • Am I putting the community at risk by attending?

  • Am I putting myself at risk?  What health concerns do you have that might limit your attendance at church? 

  • Does the spiritual health benefit of attending church out weight the risk? Even if you have a health risk you might feel the spiritual need to worship with your church family in person.

  • Will there be adequate air circulation? Our sanctuary is a large space and we will have open windows in the sanctuary.

  • How many people will be at church? The number of people in the church building will be limited for a while.  This number will increase as circumstances in the community change.

 God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn