April 2, 2022

Hello Church Family,

Our April newsletter came out this week and it is chock full of interesting articles.  In the newsletter there is a copy of the article from The Canada Lutheran about our walk from Syria.  We’re famous.

Our celebration of Holy week this year is a bit familiar and a bit different:

  • April 10th - Palm Sunday 10:30 am– choir cantata with the passion narrative

  • April 14th – Maundy Thursday 3 pm – reading and prayers as we strip the altar in preparation for the next day

  • April 15th – Good Friday 7:30 pm – Tenebrae service

  • April 16th – Easter Sunday

o  8:30 am – Easter Holy Communion service

o  10:30 am – Easter service (this service will be livestreamed and available on YouTube)

Please phone or email the church to register to attend services.  This helps us know how many people to prepare for and makes sure we will be able to provide space for physical distancing. Please wear a mask – we have extra masks at the church if you do not have one.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/bolWoe9iYQk