September 17, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the children’s activity sheets and bulletin for Sunday September 18th, along with a poster for Saskatoon Church Curling

Thank you to Ruth Zuk for reading, Larry Trenouth and Wes Ulmer for ushering, Anna-Marie Skogsrud for playing, and Katie Ottley for providing technical support for worship.

Many thanks also to Pastor Michael Diegel for leading Sunday’s Service.

Worship link for Sunday

And just a reminder that the confirmation kickoff starts this Saturday at Zion!


All Ages Youth Night, Sept. 18th, 5:30 – 8:30 PM, Zion Lutheran

Dinner at 5:30 and music and activities to follow. Contact Pastor Ron Bestvater for more details at 306-229-5982.


Also Canadian Lutheran World Relief joins with the Primate World Relief Development Fund in in asking you to consider donating to those suffering from catastrophic flooding in Pakistan. Over 33 million people have been affected.

The Government of Canada will match donations to the Humanitarian Coalition up to $3 million, in response to the devastating flooding until September 28.

Donate online at or go to and click on Pakistan Floods. You may also send a donation to PWRDF or CLWR and the Pakistan Floods through your church offering and this will be forwarded on your behalf.

Have a safe and blessed weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin