January 5, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the bulletin for January 8th along with the Children’s Activity Sheet.  You will also find the Augustana January Newsletter included. 

Beginning Friday, please be sure to check out Pastor Kirk’s Epiphany Devotion on YouTube. https://youtu.be/XUxq-mFDn8I

It is an introduction to Sunday’s Worship.

​​​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Bonnie Moser, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, ushers Edith and Lorne Carlson, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in worship.  Thank you also to the Augustana-St. Timothy’s Choir for the special music on Sunday.

Worship link: https://youtu.be/QwAWvZKMhj8

Please be sure to stay after Sunday’s service for the meet and greet with the Alhamad-Abdulwaheed family. Thank you to those bringing goodies and refreshments for this purpose.

To Note: 

Pastor Kirk and Lorene will be out of the office Friday, January 6th.

Reports for the 2022 Annual Report are due January 24th.

Blessings on your weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin