February 25, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin for February 26th along with the Children’s Activity Sheet and the Announcements

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Chris Martin, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, choir director Deborah Buck, ushers Gloria and Melissa Rowan, and technical support Karen Wallace for assisting in worship.          

Worship link: https://youtube.com/live/oBIc9mZe28k

To Note: 

Zion Lutheran will be hosting a joint Mid-Lenten Service at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, March 1st (323 4th Ave S.) with Pastor Alexa Wallace preaching. All are welcome! If you can’t attend in person but would like to worship online please go to Zion Lutheran Church Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on YouTube to find the church channel where the livestream will be made available. https://www.youtube.com/@zionlutheranchurchsaskatoo1354/streams

March 5th: Augustana Annual Meeting (In-Person & Zoom)

11:45 Potluck Meal with Meeting to follow.

Please see Food Sign-Up Sheets in the Narthex.

Blessings on your weekend.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin