August 25, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin with announcements (of which they are quite a few) and the Children’s Activity Sheets for this week’s Sunday Service at 10:30 AM.

Thank you to our lector Chris Martin, ushers Dawn and Rose Ingram, musician Deb Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in this Sunday’s worship.  

Worship link:

To Note:  Augustana is currently running a shortfall over $30,000 in relation to our income for expenses. Thank you for recognizing our financial needs and for your continued support in sustaining our church family.

Parish Calendar

Tuesday             10:00 am        Forever in Motion

Tuesday              7:30 pm         ELW Bible Study with Rev. Deacon Alexa Wallace

Wednesday        7:00 pm        The Living Room NA Group

Wednesday        7:00 pm        Evening Summer Worship (last session)

Saturday             3:00 pm        The Tea Room AA Group

Sunday              10:30 am        Evangelical Lutheran Worship & Holy Communion

Blessings for your weekend,

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin