Dear Church Family,
Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements and Children’s Activity Sheet for Sunday Worship, October 6.
Thank you to all those assisting with the service including lector Bonnie Moser & other readers Mik Bickis, Chris Martin, Alexa Wallace, & Ruth Zuk; communion assistant Ruth Zuk, ushers Marlene & Larry Trenouth, musician Deborah Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley. Thanks also to the altar guild for communion preparation and to Sheila Mogk for serving as coffee crew.
Worship Link:
Eternity for Todays are now available.
Augustana will have a Thanksgiving display and would appreciate if you could bring whatever garden produce or flowers you can contribute to the church on during the day Friday and on Saturday morning at 10am. Every fruit and vegetable provided will help with this display. Thank you.
EXPERIENCING GOSPEL, AN ELCIC CROSS CANADA BIBLE STUDY is set to help session participants dig deeper into Gordon Jensen's discovery of Luther's highlighted words and phrases in the 1534 Bible - a bible that Luther and colleagues created in Wittenberg. Every session starting on October 8 until October 29 is an hour-long Bible Study beginning at 3 PM (EST). If you or someone you know is interested and eager to know what Scripture passages Luther most wanted to emphasize during the Protestant Reformation, then this Bible Study event is for you! To download the schedule for this Bible Study together with the registration link, please click here.
Blessings on your weekend!
Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin