Dear Church Family,
Please find attached the Bulletin, announcements, and Children’s Activity Sheets for this Sunday’s Service.
Sunday Worship link:
Thank you to our lector Lindsay Woods, communion assistant Wayne Carlson, ushers Alice & Wilmer Hamp, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld for assisting in Sunday’s worship. Thanks also to the altar guild for communion prep and to Alice, Wilmer and Marilyn Fowlie-Neufeld for serving as coffee hosts. (Please note coffee after service will be during the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month during the summer.)
Special thanks to Pastor Michael Diegel for leading the service while Pastor Kirk is on holidays.
To Note:
If in need of pastoral care while Pastor Kirk is away, please contact the church office.
Blessings on your weekend! Stay safe and stay cool.
Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin