September 6, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements and Children’s Activity Sheet for Sunday Worship, September 8th.

​Thank you to all those assisting with the service including lector Pat Blakley, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, ushers Jeff & Danielle Lundgren & family, and technical support Katie Ottley. Thanks also to Deacon Alexa Wallace for organizing the Welcome Back BBQ. 

Worship Link:


Volunteers are still needed to assist with set-up for the BBQ (table and chairs on the front lawn?) as well as clean-up. 15 people have signed up to bring salad or desserts, and if you haven’t assigned up and plan to attend, please bring a side dish or dessert.

And don’t forget to bring you backpack, message bag, or tools of the trade, for a blessing at the service.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin