April 25, 2020

Dear Church family,

It has been a full month since we have been learning how to deal with our new normal.  We have been discovering new ways of being faithful to our calling as followers of Jesus. Thank you for your support and patience – it has been a steep learning curve for us all.  I am sending a May newsletter on to you so this will be a brief update (the newsletter is also available on our website).

  • Georgina, our wonderful administrative assistant, is on short term disability leave right now.  Please keep her in your prayers.

  • And another prayer request, but one of thanksgiving.  I received a note from Nathan Rhodes telling me that he and Chelsea and daughter Simi have welcomed a new member into their family: Kate Pauline.  Nathan, Chelsea and family moved to Regina last August for a new job for Nathan. They are all well and healthy.

  • Your assignment should you accept it (that sounds a bit like mission impossible, but it is really mission possible): I notice that people often sit in the same place on a Sunday morning and these are the first people they share the peace with.  Please phone or message those people.  If you don’t have a special pew, please pick someone to phone or message.

  • I would like to have a Facebook video call with the children in the congregation on Wednesday morning.  Parents, please let me know if this is possible.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

You can go to our website for this Sunday’s worship or you can follow this link:  https://youtu.be/PLip1SBCBso