May 2, 2020

Dear Church Family,

If you had told me 3 months ago that I would be video conferencing almost everyday … that I would lead worship on youtube … that I would be communicating primarily through technology … I would not have believed you.  I would have said “Oh no, that is just not my thing.”  But here we are and that’s the way life is.  This is a story that has a long history in our faith.  Just think about all the Bible stories where someone says, “I can’t do that” and God replies, “Oh yes you can.”  So -- as we come to 7 weeks of physical distancing and we wonder if we can carry on -- our long story of faith tells us that God will provide us with what we need in order to do what we are called to do.  Think of the 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd and will provide ……”

We will be able to worship together in person, but it will not be for a while yet.  And it will not be an immediate return to the familiar. As restrictions are gradually lifted we will be able to meet as a small worshiping group.  I expect, at first, we will still need to provide video worship for those who are not able to attend. 

Have patience, but remember that patience does not mean inaction. Please continue to keep in touch with your church family, especially with the people in our community who are most isolated and vulnerable. 

If you know of people in the hospital, you can send a message to them through the hospital “well wishes” program  (  Your message might take longer than usual to arrive, but it will be delivered to their hospital room. We have two people in hospital presently: Jennie Sukut (RUH) and Georgina Krenn (St. Paul’s). Thanks to Eileen Carlson for her detective work in finding out if this program is working during the pandemic (it is).

Our worship link for this week is:

May God bless and keep you well.

Pastor Marilyn

PS. There is a beautiful and colourful crop of dandelions next to the church.  I know that they are a weed, but at this time of year they are a welcome weed.  You might not agree with me, but you can come see them on our annual SPRING CLEAN UP day which will be MAY 9 at 10 am.  Our work will be done with 2 metres physical distancing.