April 24, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

I have the sad news to share that Edna Soule died this past week.  Please keep her daughter Katherine Soule Blaser and her family in your prayers. We give thanks for a life and faith well lived and pray that God will comfort her friends and families.

I am collecting your suggestions of strategies that have helped you maintain your mental health during this past year of physical distancing and stress.  Please share with me the things that have worked for you.  They might also be helpful to others.  With that in mind I have a two-part suggestion for this week:

Mental Health suggestion – sometimes there are phrases or Bible verses that are very helpful when repeated to oneself.  Mark Stauffer shared a Bible verse that his Mother quoted when life was difficult or complicated:  “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).   This verse helped her or the one she was advising to take a pause and remember that God was present in the midst of the situation: a pause that allowed for reframing or looking at the situation from a different perspective. The second part of this suggestion came from Gayle Dixon who finds colouring relaxing.  I have attached a “Be Still and Know” colouring page with this email.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/WCDDCziTnk0

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168