May 1, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

I am still collecting your suggestions of strategies that have helped you maintain your mental health during this past year of physical distancing and stress.  Please share with me the things that have worked for you.  They might also be helpful to others. 

Mental Health suggestion – when you read the May newsletter you will see some feedback on our Walk From Syria.  That experience taught us that keeping physically actively also helps our mental health. Doesn’t matter what level of fitness you are at … being active at your own level of ability is the best.  If you have not been active for a while you should talk to your doctor before starting something new.

Check out the newsletter for more Augustana news and the May calendar.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168