July 9, 2021

Dear Church family,

I am back from some vacation time.  It was very good to take a break. I’m didn’t realize how tired out I was until I took some time to renew.  Whether we realize it or not the pandemic has had some effect on all of us and I am no exception.  Related to this is a yearly event:  July 24th International Self Care day.  “The 24th of July symbolizes that the benefits of self-care are experienced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."    If we do not recharge our own “batteries” we are not much good to the other people in our lives. That day is a bit in the future, but it would be good to start making plans for it right now: what would help you to maintain your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being? 

For our spiritual well-being I am hoping to begin in-person worship services at Augustana as soon as possible.  The Worship committee and Health Cabinet will be meeting next Saturday to determine how to do this as safely as possibly. 

During the pandemic I have learned that church is not the building … it is the people, the community of faith, who are the most important “structure”.  I also learned that the building provides a place for those people to gather together.  So the building – in itself -- isn’t really important, but what it makes space for is absolutely important.  WHAT DID THE PANDEMIC TEACH YOU?

There are two resources that I have provided links to below. The first is a summer devotion series from the Manitoba Synod. It is designed for families with children at home, but I like it too. I have attached the PDF to this email, but the church office can print one out for you if you wish. The second is a resource from the government on how to assess one’s safety on resuming activities.  It thought it might help us, individually, make good decisions about returning to worship in person.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn


(if you use this resource, please let the church office know how it works for you)

THIS WEEK’S LINK TO WORSHIP:  https://youtu.be/Z3GICysGTD4

Summer 2021 Devotions for Families: Jesus Meets Us


Help in making decisions regarding attending events:
