July 17, 2021

Dear Church family,

I hope you are able to stay cool and out of the smoky air.  I am meeting with the Worship committee and the Health Cabinet and others on Saturday to put together a plan for returning to worship in-person.  It will be a cautious and gradual return and we will continue to provide on-line worship and worship by phone. 

Zoom service of Holy Communion this Sunday at 2 pm (link below)

The Broadway Street Fair, September 11, is going ahead this year and Augustana will have a spot.  Crafts for our booth are welcome.  Talk to Gord Morley for more information.

God bless and keep you safe.

Pastor Marilyn

WORSHIP THIS WEEK     https://youtu.be/lHaqNA3SjPw

WORSHIP BY PHONE: 1-306-205-1168

ZOOM HOLY COMMUNION at 2 pm (zoom meetings are time sensitive) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86472657094?pwd=Z1pBR05paDZJRjlja2tiUXBwSGJjUT09