July 21, 2021

Hello Church Family,

Good News! Augustana will be returning to in-person worship this Sunday, July 25th.

In order to maintain physical distancing in the church, we have a limited number of "seats" available for worship (35). To secure your seat, you will need to register by phoning or emailing the church.

First priority will be individuals who have been unable to access any online services due to lack of a computer.

As you walk in the church building, there will be a table set up in the narthex for screening and to sign you in. You will also be offered some hand sanitizer at this time.

As you proceed into the sanctuary, there will be bulletins handed out. We ask that you keep physically distanced 2 metres and sit only in the pews indicated. 

Once you are seated, we ask that you not walk around to visit with other congregation members.

The church windows will be open and we will be singing but with masks on.

Please bring your offering to put in the plates at back of the church.

When the service is over, we ask that you continue to physically distance as you leave the sanctuary and keep socializing in the building to a minimum.

We know things will look and feel different, but by following the protocols recommended by our health professionals, we are doing what we can to ensure that worship at Augustana is a positive and safe experience for all.

 Thank you all for your cooperation.

 ********Please do not enter the church if you have a temperature, feel ill with chills or sore throat or a cough, have difficulty breathing, are quarantined due to travel reasons, or have been in contact with a COVID-19 positive individual over the past two weeks.********


Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

Augustana Lutheran Church

1201 Broadway Avenue

Saskatoon, SK  S7H 2A4

