October 29, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Augustana is having problem with sending emails to any addresses that are not SaskTel addresses,though it can still receive emails from other addresses.  Please have patience as we try to sort this out. We are temporarily using the Gmail account to send email.

In the meantime,  this Sunday we celebrate Reformation Sunday, of special importance in the Lutheran Tradition.

Please find attached the children’s activity sheets (lots of interesting Martin Luther activities) and bulletin for Sunday October 30th.

The November Newsletter is also attached.

Thank you to Angie Johnson for reading, Mik Bickis for playing, Dawn and Rose Ingram for ushering, Katie Ottley for providing technical support, and the choir for providing special music for worship.

Many thanks also to Pastor Michael Diegel for leading Sunday’s Service.

Worship link for Sunday   https://youtu.be/42giGsC6sB8

To Note:

Next Sunday is All Saints’ Sunday and if  you plan to worship from home and wish to have a candles lit in remembrance of someone, please contact the church office by Friday, November 4th, so that we can have the ushers light a candle on your behalf prior to the service on November 6th.

Stay safe and Happy Hallowe’en!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin