October 8, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the children’s activity sheets and bulletin for Sunday October 9th.

Thank you to Larry Trenouth for reading, Anna-Marie Skogsrud for playing, and Katie Ottley for providing technical support for worship.

Many thanks also to Pastor Alexa Wallace for leading Sunday’s Service.

Please note it will be a self-serve Sunday as unfortunately no ushers were available.  Please help yourself to the bulletin on the table at the front. You will find the hymnbooks in the pews.

Worship link for Sunday   https://youtu.be/L9b1dqe4EnE

Augustana will have a Thanksgiving display and would appreciate if you could bring whatever garden produce you can contribute to the church at 10 Saturday morning. Every fruit and vegetable provided will help with this display. Thank you.

Brief update on synod advice re COVID from Bishop Syd

We have had a number of calls at synod office on what the current synod advice might be on the current state of the pandemic.

I am thankful that Pastor Ali has provided the following message to share with our faith communities:

The current state of the pandemic with effective vaccines and widespread vaccination has allowed a new normal to increasingly emerge where physical distancing and facemasks have become more and more optional. Measures such as hand sanitizing continue to be effective in reducing infections and are strongly encouraged. Variant-specific vaccines are now available for increased protection.

Safe public gatherings are taking place across the country, and it has been a while since the last declared public gathering-related outbreak.  

As a result of this progress, faith communities are encouraged to meet in person with measures such as hand sanitization and making facemasks available for those who may need them.


Everyone is encouraged to be vaccinated against COVID and to get the applicable boosters.  

Rev. Dr. Ali Tote.

Blessings for your weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin