June 11, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to the Holy Trinity Sunday and Rev. Michael Diegel who will be leading the service while Pastor Marilyn is on short-term disability.

Thank you to our lector Alice Hamp, ushers Angie Remus & D.-Jay Krozser, musician Deborah Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley who will be assisting in the service on Sunday.

There are a number of events happening next week and you will them listed in your bulletin.

And just a reminder that the Prayer Net is looking for a new prayer secretary.

The prayer list is simple to prepare.  It has been all set up for electronic word processing; the only work required is to insert/remove the changes as they are received.  Preparing the monthly worksheet and list takes about 4 hours a month. Jim Komar would be available to help with any initial questions.

Thanks for taking this need into consideration.

Blessings on your weekend and the week ahead.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/bjABj63lsJ8

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin