June 19, 2022

Dear Church Family,

This Sunday will be a lay lead service. Thank you to our leader Pat Blakley, lector Tannis Sharp, ushers Gord & Sharon Morley, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld who will be assisting in the service on Sunday.

Please be aware of the upcoming installation of Rev. Dr. Ali Tote as Assistant to the Bishop on Saturday at 4pm at Resurrection (and also online) and the LuMinHos Annual Meeting on June 26th.

Installation Zoom log-in information 


Meeting ID: 877 941 727 

Phone: 1 647 558 0588 Meeting ID: 877 941 727 

               1 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 877 941 727  

And just a reminder that the Prayer Net is looking for a new prayer secretary.

The prayer list is simple to prepare.  It has been all set up for electronic word processing; the only work required is to insert/remove the changes as they are received.  Preparing the monthly worksheet and list takes about 4 hours a month. Jim Komar would be available to help with any initial questions.

Thanks for taking this need into consideration.

Blessings on your weekend and Happy Father’s Day!

Enjoy reading the LTS Summer newsletter (attached).

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/Gc4hnKKJ7zY