November 10, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, the Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for Sunday Worship.

Thank you to our lector Ruth Zuk, ushers Monica Lundgren-Johnson & Wes Ulmer, musician Cherie Jarock, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in this Sunday’s worship.  Thank you also to Rene & Leverne Baxter for Coffee Set-up and Clean-up.  Special Thanks choir director Deb Buck and the Augustana-St. Timothy’s Choir for the special music and leading the signing as in this service of Healing for the Nations.

Worship link:


Lutheran Theological Seminary Saskatoon is conducting a series of short surveys to assess the presence of lay leadership in ministries and congregations and to determine how we might support lay leaders. Please fill out this six-question survey as we engage in this important and necessary work together.

Thank you so much for your continued collaboration and support. You are a blessing to us and our work here at LTS.

LuMinHoS (Lutheran Ministry in Hospitals of Saskatoon) is giving thanks for the support shown so far this fall for our valued hospital ministry. Thank you! For the latest newsletter featuring articles and photos of the AGM, Walk-a-Thon, and Oktoberfest events, you can visit The Caregiver - November 2023 Newsletter.

The Health Cabinet Christmas Hamper Appeal will run through the month of November until Sunday, Dec. 3rd. If you would like to contribute to Christmas Hampers, please indicate so on your offering envelope, cheque or e-transfer. The goal is to raise $1400 in support of 20 families in need. We have about $1100 to go.

If you would like to share any extra Christmas Cookies for our Christmas Hampers there is a sign up sheet on the Health Cabinet board. Cookies to be brought to Church Dec. 10 or before, OR contact Linda Catton if you need to make other arrangements. Cookies should be sturdy for packing and nut free. And if you have any extra Christian themed Christmas Cards or large Christmas gift bags you would like to donate for our Christmas Hampers there is a box by the Health Cabinet Board you can place them in. Packing day of Christmas Hampers will be on Dec. 10 after church.

Have a blessed weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin