November 3, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, the Announcements, and the Children’s Activity Sheets for this week’s All Saints’ Sunday Service.

Thank you to our lector Tannis Sharp, communion assistant Pat Blakley, ushers Bonnie Moser & Larry Trenouth, musician Mik Bickis, the Sunday School teacher, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in this Sunday’s worship.  Thank you also the altar guild for the candle and communion preparations, and to Heather Ward for Coffee Set-up and Margareth & Ken Peterson for Coffee Clean-up.  Special Thanks to Deacon Alexa Wallace for assisting with the service.

Worship link:


Tickets for the Social Supper on November 18 will be available after the worship services on November 5 and 12.  If you are unable to obtain a ticket in person, please contact either Pat Blakley ( or Karen Wallace ( and a ticket will be waiting for you at the supper.  The last day for requesting tickets is November 12.

REMINDER: This Sunday is the 2nd Visioning Session after church and your attendance is really appreciated. Please bring a bag lunch and plan to stay for at least 2 hrs.

Have a blessed weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin