May 5, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin, announcements, and Children’s Activity Sheets for this Sunday’s Service with Holy Communion. The May newsletter is also provided.

Sunday Worship link:

Thank you to our lector and communion assistant Noreen Donald, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, ushers Angie and Merv Johnson, and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in Sunday’s worship. Thank you also to the altar guild for the communion preparations.

Lorene will be out of the office Friday for LTS Grad.

Blessings for your weekend.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

April 28, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin and Children’s Activity Sheets for this Sunday Service with Holy Communion. Sunday School will also take place.

Sunday Worship link:

Thank you to our lector Chris Martin, musician Deborah Buck, soloist Nora Rittinger, ushers Dawn and Rose Ingram, and technical support Karen Wallace for assisting in worship today. Thank you also to the altar guild for the communion preparations and the Augustana-St. Timothy’s choir for the special music.

Special thanks as well to Rev. Alexa Wallace, Augustana’s new honorary assistant, and Ven. Rev. Ken Watts for Sunday’s message.

Blessings for your weekend.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

April 22, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the bulletin, announcements, and Children’s Activity Sheets for this Sunday with Holy Communion, along with the Baptism of Scarlett Leah Rayne Thompson. Welcome Scarlett!

Sunday Worship link:

Thank you also to lector and communion assistant Tannis Sharp, ushers Edith & Lorne Carlson , musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, and technical support Michael Diegel for assisting in Sunday’s worship.

And a round of applause for everyone who participated by performing or attending the “All Creation Sings” Spring Hymn Sing.  $2600 was raised in support of the new hymnal supplements and the Queen Elizabeth School Breakfast Program. Well done!

Have a blessed weekend.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

April 14, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the bulletin, announcements, and Children’s Activity Sheets for this Sunday.

Sunday Worship link:

Thank you also to lector and communion assistant Noreen Donald, ushers Angie and Merv Johnson, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld for assisting in Sunday’s worship.

Have a blessed weekend!

TO NOTE: Lorene will be out of the office Friday.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

April 6, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the corrected bulletin for Good Friday (service at 7:30 PM) and the bulletin, announcements, and Children’s Activity Sheets for Easter Sunday Worship (service at 10:30 AM). 

Friday Worship link:

Sunday Worship link:

Thank you to those assisting with the Good Friday Tenebrae Service of Shadows: Michael Diegel, Margareth Peterson, and Alexa Wallace for reading, D.-Jay Krozser and Bonnie Moser for ushering, Deborah Buck and Cherie Jarock as musicians, the acolytes, and technical support Karen Wallace.  

Thank you also to those assisting with the Easter Sunday Service: lector and communion assistant Ruth Zuk, ushers Larry Trenouth and Wes Ulmer; Mik Bickis, Cherie Jarock (violin) and Ken Stirling (cornet) as musicians, the acolytes, and technical support Karen Wallace.  Special thanks to choir director Deborah Buck and the Augustana-St. Timothy’s choir along with the members of Church Council for providing snacks and coffee for after Sunday’s Service.

Easter blessings!

 TO NOTE: The April Newsletter is also attached.

 Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

April 5, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletins for Maundy Thursday (meal & service at 5:30 PM) and Good Friday (service at 7:30 PM) along with the Children’s Activity Sheets. The Good Friday service will also be livestreamed.

Friday Worship link:

​Thank you to all those assisting with Thursday’s meal and service (which will include communion) and stripping the altar afterwards.

And thank you also to those assisting with the Good Friday Tenebrae Service of Shadows: Michael Diegel, Margareth Peterson, and Alexa Wallace for reading, D.-Jay Krozser and Bonnie Moser for ushering, Deborah Buck and Cherie Jarock as musicians, the acolytes, and technical support Karen Wallace.  

Blessings for your holy week.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

March 31, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin for April 2nd along with the Children’s Activity Sheet and the Announcements.  Please check the announcements to see the upcoming events at Augustana. 

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector and communion assistant Pat Blakley, ushers Angie and Merv Johnson, musician and choir director Deborah Buck, and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in worship.  Thanks also to the Augustana-St. Timothy’s for the special music.      

Worship link:

And just to note:

April 6th: Maundy Thursday Potluck & Service with Holy Communion at 5:30pm. Please see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.

April 7th: Good Friday Tenebrae Service of Shadows at 7:30pm.

April 9th: Easter Sunday Service at 10:30am (coffee & snacks to follow, provided by Augustana Church Council)

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

March 25, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin for March 26th with the Children’s Activity Sheet and the Announcements.  Please check the announcements to see the upcoming events at Augustana. 

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Chris Martin, ushers Dawn & Rose Ingram, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, choir director Deborah Buck, and technical support Karen Wallace for assisting in worship.  Thanks also to the Augustana-St. Timothy’s for the special music.      

Worship link:

And it is with sadness we note the passing of Eileen Carlson this week. Our deepest condolences to the family.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

March 18, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin for March 19th with the Children’s Activity Sheet and the Announcements.  Please check the announcements to see the upcoming activities at Augustana.  Just a note that church council will be installed this Sunday and there will also be Sunday School.

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector and communion assistant Ruth Zuk, musician Deborah Buck, ushers D.-Jay Krozser and Larry Trenouth, and technical support Greg Fowlie Neufeld for assisting in worship.          

Worship link:

Blessings for the weekend.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

March 10, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin for March 12th with the Children’s Activity Sheet and the Announcements.  Please check the announcements to see what is ongoing at Augustana.

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Bonnie Moser and reading assistants Chris Martin and Margareth Peterson, musician Mik Bickis, choir director Deborah Buck and the Augustana – St. Timothy’s Choir, ushers Edith and Lorne Carlson, and technical support Katie Ottley or Karen Wallace for assisting in worship.          

Worship link:

To Note:

Offering & Income for March to date: $4,102

March Expenses to date: $7,001

Monthly budget need: $21,063

Blessings for the weekend.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

March 4, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin for March 5th with the Children’s Activity Sheet and the Announcements.  The March Newsletter is also provided.

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector and communion assistant Pat Blakley, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, choir director Deborah Buck and the Augustana – St. Timothy’s Choir, ushers Angie and Merv Johnson, and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in worship.          

Worship link:

Just a reminder: 

March 5th: Augustana Annual Meeting (In-Person & Zoom)

11:45 Potluck Meal with Meeting to follow.

ZOOM link:

Meeting ID: 849 9557 9156
Passcode: 984144

There are about 15 printed of the Annual Report at the church or you can find it online at

At least 35 people are needed for quorum.

Blessings for the weekend.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

February 25, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin for February 26th along with the Children’s Activity Sheet and the Announcements

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Chris Martin, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, choir director Deborah Buck, ushers Gloria and Melissa Rowan, and technical support Karen Wallace for assisting in worship.          

Worship link:

To Note: 

Zion Lutheran will be hosting a joint Mid-Lenten Service at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, March 1st (323 4th Ave S.) with Pastor Alexa Wallace preaching. All are welcome! If you can’t attend in person but would like to worship online please go to Zion Lutheran Church Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on YouTube to find the church channel where the livestream will be made available.

March 5th: Augustana Annual Meeting (In-Person & Zoom)

11:45 Potluck Meal with Meeting to follow.

Please see Food Sign-Up Sheets in the Narthex.

Blessings on your weekend.

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

February 17, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin for February 19th along with the Children’s Activity Sheet and the Announcements

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Noreen Donald, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, choir director Deborah Buck, ushers Chris Martin and Larry Trenouth, and technical support Greg-Fowlie Neufeld for assisting in worship.          

Worship link:

Please also find the 2022 Annual Report attached.  Apologies for any errors or omissions.

To Note: 

Augustana will not be having an Ash Wednesday service. Trinity Lutheran will be hosting the ELCIC Joint Ash Wednesday worship at 7:30 pm on February 22nd (419 Avenue E North). All are welcome!

If you can’t attend in person but would like to worship online please go to Trinity Lutheran Church Saskatoon on YouTube to find the church channel where the livestream will be made available or try the link below.

Have a blessed long weekend (for those who have one!)

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

February 11, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the Bulletin for February 12th along with the Children’s Activity Sheet and the Announcements of which there are quite a few. 

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Ruth Zuk, musician Mik Bickis, ushers D.-Jay Krozser and Bonnie Moser, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in worship.          

Worship link:

Have a safe, fun, and blessed weekend!

To Note: 

Caregiver Cafe: Just in Case – Final Affairs Arrangements

Tues Feb 28 1:30 to 3 pm

Mtg Room 3, Field House, 2020 College Drive [Free Parking]

The Saskatoon Council of Aging invites you to a discussion in relation to planning your final affairs. Join us for a one-hour presentation with Elaine Lozinski, Final Affairs Consultant, Lecturer and Author.

Just in Case provides a practical approach to planning for end of life or other emergency situations.

The cost is free but In-person seats limited – call 306-652-2255 to save your spot. Coffee and refreshments provided.

 Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

February 4, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the bulletin for February 5th along with the Children’s Activity Sheet

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Pat Blakley, musician Deborah Buck, ushers Merv and Angie Johnson, and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in worship.          

Thank you also to the Augustana-St. Timothy Choir for the musical number. Sunday School will happen this Sunday and Confirmation take place this Sunday at 6:30 PM at Augustana.

Worship link:

To Note: 

The Ground Crew refugee committee at Christ Church Anglican in Saskatoon are hosting a Family Friendly Karaoke Night and Supper Extravaganza Fun/Fund-Raiser on Saturday February 11, 2023, having a grand old time while raising money for their Refugee Fund.  

With increasing global pressure on aid organizations growing daily, food rations to those in refugee camps are being cut, impacting many who live under already precarious circumstances.  The plan is to raise money to ease this burden and purchase a solar oven used in food preparation for one of the families being supported.  

Doors open at 6:00 PM, music starts at 7:00 PM.  Admission is by donation with all funds going to support the refugee work at Christ Church Anglican (515 28th Street West). 

All generations (and vocal ranges) welcome!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 28, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the bulletin for January 29 along with the Children’s Activity Sheet

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Chris Martin, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, ushers Dawn & Rose Ingram, and technical support Michael Diegel for assisting in worship.          

Thank you also to the Augustana-St. Timothy Choir for the musical numbers. And special thanks to Pastor Alexa Wallace for leading Sunday’s service while Pastor Kirk is under the weather.

Worship link:

To Note: 

Online World Day of Prayer (WDP) Festival Event
Join the Online World Day of Prayer Festival event happening on January 28, 1-3 p.m. EST to learn more about World Day of Prayer 2023 and how to get involved.

Everyone is welcome and you can invite your friends, too! Register for free; a donation of $10 is suggested to help cover the cost. 

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 20, 2023

Dear Church Family,

We are now at the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany and experiencing very unexpected weather for January.

Please find attached the bulletin for January 22 along with the Children’s Activity Sheet

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Tannis Sharp, musician Deborah Buck, ushers D.-Jay Krozser and Larry Trenough, and technical support Karen Wallace for assisting in worship.          

Thank you also to the Augustana-St. Timothy Choir for the special music on Sunday (hopefully).

Worship link:

To Note: 

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity continues its online Bible Study

12:15-1:00 pm daily except Sunday                                                                                                                                                          

Sat, Jan 21 - Pastor Rachel Wallace, Mennonite, Eigenheim
Sun, Jan 22 (at 3pm) - Harry Lafond, Roman Catholic, Saskatoon
Mon, Jan 23 - Dave Feick, Micah Mission, Saskatoon
Tue, Jan 24th - Rev. Keitha Ogbogu, Free Methodist, Calgary
Wed, Jan 25th - Rev. Dr. Ali Tote, ELCIC, Saskatoon

Register here:

Living into the Unity We Seek
A public workshop for all people of God with Bishop Bruce Myers
In-person only
Saturday, January 21 at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, 10 Grosvenor Cres., Saskatoon
9 am breakfast
10 am workshop
All are welcome, no registration required.
Presented in-person by the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism and the RC Diocese of Saskatoon
Bishop Myers has been bishop of Quebec since 2017. Raised on a farm in Glengarry County, Ontario, he studied at the University of Toronto before a decade as a parliamentary correspondent in Ottawa and Quebec City. He completed his theological studies at McGill University, Montreal Diocesan Theological College, Bossey Ecumenical Institute, and the University of Geneva. He has recently completed a doctor of ministry at St. Paul University in Ottawa. He is a professed member of the Order of the Good Shepherd, an international community of Anglicans who share a common rule of life. Before election as bishop, he served parishes in Quebec City and the Magdalen Islands, and as Coordinator for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations for the Anglican Church of Canada.

Stay safe and stay well!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 13, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the bulletin for January 15th along with the Children’s Activity Sheet

​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector and communion assistant Ruth Zuk, musician Mik Bickis, ushers Gloria and Melissa Rowan, and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld for assisting in worship. Thank you also to the Augustana-St. Timothy Choir for the special music on Sunday.

Worship link:

To Note: 

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18th to 25th

8 Day Online Bible Study

12:15-1:00 pm daily except Sunday, Jan. 22 which will be at 3 pm (Saskatchewan time)
Wed, Jan 18 - Rev. Brody Albers, Anglican, Christopher Lake
Thu, Jan 19 - Rev. Dr. Kathleen James-Cavan, United Church, Saskatoon
Fri, Jan 20 - Major Al Hoeft, Salvation Army, Regina
Sat, Jan 21 - Pastor Rachel Wallace, Mennonite, Eigenheim
Sun, Jan 22 (at 3pm) - Harry Lafond, Roman Catholic, Saskatoon
Mon, Jan 23 - Dave Feick, Micah Mission, Saskatoon
Tue, Jan 24th - Rev. Keitha Ogbogu, Free Methodist, Calgary
Wed, Jan 25th - Rev. Dr. Ali Tote, ELCIC, Saskatoon

Register here:

For a full list of the week’s activities and events click here:

Blessings on your weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 5, 2023

Dear Church Family,

Please find attached the bulletin for January 8th along with the Children’s Activity Sheet.  You will also find the Augustana January Newsletter included. 

Beginning Friday, please be sure to check out Pastor Kirk’s Epiphany Devotion on YouTube.

It is an introduction to Sunday’s Worship.

​​​Thank you to this Sunday’s lector Bonnie Moser, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, ushers Edith and Lorne Carlson, and technical support Katie Ottley for assisting in worship.  Thank you also to the Augustana-St. Timothy’s Choir for the special music on Sunday.

Worship link:

Please be sure to stay after Sunday’s service for the meet and greet with the Alhamad-Abdulwaheed family. Thank you to those bringing goodies and refreshments for this purpose.

To Note: 

Pastor Kirk and Lorene will be out of the office Friday, January 6th.

Reports for the 2022 Annual Report are due January 24th.

Blessings on your weekend!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

December 29, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Happy New Year (almost)

Please find attached the bulletin for January 1st along with the Children’s Activity Sheet for the First Sunday of Christmas.

Thank you to our lector Noreen Donald, musician Mik Bickis, ushers Angie and Merv Johnson, and technical support Bryan Tastad for assisting in worship. Thank you also to our reader and ushers for assisting with communion this Sunday.

Worship link:

Next Sunday will be a welcome for the Alhamad-Abdulwaheed family and we are looking for whatever goodies you can bring or bake for after the service.

We hope to see you in attendance as well.

To Note: 

Lorene will be out of the office Friday, Dec. 30th and Pastor Kirk will be in and out of the office Friday as well.

The Newsletter for January will come out next week.

Blessings on the last weekend for 2022 and the hope for a better and brighter 2023!

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin