Dear Church Family,
Please find attached the Bulletin, Announcements and Children’s Activity Sheet for Sunday Worship, September 8th.
Thank you to all those assisting with the service including lector Pat Blakley, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, ushers Jeff & Danielle Lundgren & family, and technical support Katie Ottley. Thanks also to Deacon Alexa Wallace for organizing the Welcome Back BBQ.
Worship Link:
Volunteers are still needed to assist with set-up for the BBQ (table and chairs on the front lawn?) as well as clean-up. 15 people have signed up to bring salad or desserts, and if you haven’t assigned up and plan to attend, please bring a side dish or dessert.
And don’t forget to bring you backpack, message bag, or tools of the trade, for a blessing at the service.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin