April 3, 2021

Dear church family,

Tomorrow we celebrate Easter. The link to our worship service is below.  If you have access to a little bell, get it ready. The choir and other special musicians have outdone themselves for our second pandemic Easter celebration.  I hope you and your family are enjoying the outdoors this Easter weekend. 

Tewodros and family – a seminary student from Ethiopia has recently arrived in Saskatoon with his family.  They are currently still under quarantine.  Tewodros is need of a good office chair, if you have one you do not need, he would make good use of it.

Our Walk from Syria  – we are there and then some! We have collectively travelled over 10,000 kilometers.  WOW!  What now? Keep moving … because it is good for you and as you keep moving keep remembering and praying for the Alhamad-Wahid family.  Pray for safety where they live now and the good news that they can travel to Saskatoon and be reunited with their family.  At the last Health Cabinet meeting people were sharing their travelling stories and the consensus was that these stories should be shared.  We will gather your travelling stories for the May newsletter: What activities did you do? Who traveled with you? How have the weekly stories, reflections and prayers on the website touched you?  Send your stories to the main office email address.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

+  +  +

Worship for Easter Sunday  https://youtu.be/cMH0tLS0jy4

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168 

April 1, 2021

Dear Church Family,

These are the worship links for Holy Week.  I will send the Easter links along on Saturday.  The April newsletter is on the website (and that is not an April Fool’s joke).  Pastor Marilyn

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168 


Wednesday thru Saturday at 7 pm with Bishop Sid Haugen.  Augustana St. Timothy’s choir has provided special music for these services. For more information go to https://sasksynod.ca/synod-wide-holy-week-services/

Zoom Meeting ID: 843 1786 2145, Passcode: 306

Good Friday – two options (in case you have trouble with a live stream service)

Zion Saskatoon – 11 am livestream on Zion’s YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7oFRb9WluqtWmHpv-yVgw

Augustana’s Good Friday Tenebrae Service (video from 2020)


Rev. Marilyn Fowlie-Neufeld (she/her)

Augustana Lutheran Church

Saskatoon www.augustanasaskatoon.net


306-250-6172 (cell)

March 27, 2021

Dear church family,

This week we celebrate Palm/Passion Sunday. Sadly, we are not able to process into church with our palm branches waving. But, wherever you are, you can still mark Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem by waving a branch or a dandelion to help you remember that Jesus walks with us.

Our Walk from Syria is going well – we are almost there (or here)! At the last Health Cabinet meeting people were sharing their travelling stories and the consensus was that these stories should be shared. We will gather your travelling stories for the May newsletter: what activities are you doing, who’s travelling with you, how have the weekly stories, reflections and prayers on the website touched you?

Below is a lot of information on how to access worship during Holy Week. Please keep in mind that zoom and livestream happen at a specific time. YouTube videos can be played at any time.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

+ + +

Worship for Palm/Passion Sunday includes the stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday


Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168

(The service on the phone is updated when a new service is available. Palm Sunday will be on for the beginning of the week and Good Friday later in the week)


Wednesday thru Saturday at 7 pm with Bishop Sid Haugen. Augustana St. Timothy’s choir has provided special music for these services. For more information go to https://sasksynod.ca/synod-wide-holy-week-services/

Zoom Meeting ID: 843 1786 2145, Passcode: 306

Good Friday – two options

Zion Saskatoon – 11 am livestream (link TBA)

Augustana’s Good Friday Tenebrae Service (video from 2020)


March 20, 2021

Dear church family,

Your assignment this week: come to our AGM at 1 pm Sunday March 21.  With a zoom gathering you don’t get to visit in the same way, but you do get to see people’s faces and that is a wonderful thing.  Seeing people’s faces is like water on thirsty ground.

Join Annual Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 857 5920 7523

Passcode: 861329

By Phone:  The meeting is through zoom but you can also phone in at 1 pm (long-distance charges will apply unless you have a long-distance plan with your phone carrier):

         1 647 374 4685 Canada THEN 857 5920 7523 THEN Passcode: 861329


         1 647 558 0588 Canada THEN 857 5920 7523 THEN Passcode: 861329

Our Annual meeting will cover only the items that need to be covered by law and by our church’s constitution.  We can hold another congregational meeting in-person at a later date when it is safe to do so.

On Sunday Evening at 7 pm Alexa Wallace is being ordained to the Diaconate of the Anglican Church of Canada.  Please keep her in your prayers. The link to the livestream service is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZN4KiZ1eZ61zPk1Xn0j6EQ/.

Our Walk from Syria is going well. At the last Health Cabinet meeting people were sharing their travelling stories and the consensus was that these stories should be shared.  We will gather your travelling stories for the May newsletter: what activities are you doing, who’s travelling with you, how have the weekly stories and information on the website touched you? 

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

+  +  +

Worship this week: https://youtu.be/xCPRtaYbSqI

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168

Midweek Lenten worship:  Wednesday’s at 7:30 by zoom or phone … same link every week

Please, click on the link below to access the service.  You can also call in using the phone numbers below as indicated. Please, note that long-distance charges will apply unless you have a long-distance plan with your phone carrier.

Join Zoom Meeting



Zoom App:

Meeting ID: 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604


         1 647 374 4685 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

         1 647 558 0588 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

March 13, 2021

Dear church family,

All the ELCIC churches in Saskatoon are worshiping with Trinity Lutheran this Sunday.   I have attached a copy of the service for you. Also attached is information for those 80 and older on how to arrange for a vaccination appointment. You or someone on your behalf can make the appointment.

Your assignment this week: come to our practice AGM at 1 pm Sunday March 14th (the real annual meeting is next Sunday at 1 pm, March 21)

Join Zoom Meeting


The meeting is through zoom but you can also phone in at 1 pm (long-distance charges will apply unless you have a long-distance plan with your phone carrier):

1 647 374 4685 Canada THEN 879 4839 8162 THEN Passcode: 413322


1 647 558 0588 Canada THEN 879 4839 8162 THEN Passcode: 413322

Our Annual meeting is next week.  It will cover only the items that need to be covered by law and by our church’s constitution.  We can hold another congregational meeting in-person at a later date when it is safe to do so.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

+  +  + 

Worship this Sunday:  go to YouTube and use the search function to find Trinity Lutheran Saskatoon. It should bring you to the live stream broadcast and you should just have to click on it. Trinity will have the pre-service open & accessible about 5-8 minutes before service starts (10:30 am). The service will be uploaded to Trinity’s website very shortly after the service ends.

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168

Midweek Holden Evening Prayer at Lenten worship:  Wednesday’s at 7:30 by zoom or phone … same link every week

Please, click on the link below to access the service.  You can also call in using the phone numbers below as indicated. Please, note that long-distance charges will apply unless you have a long-distance plan with your phone carrier.

Join Zoom Meeting



Zoom App:

Meeting ID: 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604


         1 647 374 4685 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

         1 647 558 0588 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

March 6, 2021

Dear church family,

The Annual Report has been sent out and our Annual Meeting is set for March 21 at 1 pm by Zoom (with phone-in option).  We are going to have a practice session the week prior -- on March 14 at 1 pm.  The practice session is so we can all be as comfortable as possible with zoom.  Because we have never conducted an Annual meeting by zoom the agenda will include only the business that is absolutely necessary.   If necessary, we can have another congregational meeting in person when it is possible to do so.

Your assignment this week:  please phone someone who needs an invitation and some encouragement to serve on church council.  You can also pass your thoughts on to this year’s nominating committee:  Larry Trenouth and Mik Bickis.

I thought the prayer below was a good one to share with you:

Iona Community Service of Prayer for Healing

Paul wrote: Always be joyful. Pray constantly. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5.17

Hold in your hands, Lord,

our families and friends;

our neighbours;

those we meet at work and on the streets;

those whom we worry about

and those who worry for us.

And in these same hands

hold every family –

especially those for whom today

has brought new burdens

and fresh sorrows.

Dorothy & Peter Millar’s 'Prayers from a Columban House'.

#prayer #healing #Iona #IonaAbbey

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/BG51ssbt_74

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168

Midweek Lenten worship:  Wednesday’s at 7:30 by zoom or phone … same link every week

Please, click on the link below to access the service.  You can also call in using the phone numbers below as indicated. Please, note that long-distance charges will apply unless you have a long-distance plan with your phone carrier.

Join Zoom Meeting



Zoom App:

Meeting ID: 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604


         1 647 374 4685 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

         1 647 558 0588 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

February 27, 2021

Dear church family,

The news is in the March newsletter this week.  Next week we will have a guest preacher -- Executive Director, Aubrey Thonvold of Reconciling Works.  March 7th’s service recognizes Augustana as a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation and challenges us to grow as a welcoming congregation. 

As vaccines roll out, please let Parish Nurse Carol or myself know if you need any assistance in setting up an appointment or transportation. 

Weekly assignment: Augustana’s people live all over the city and outside the city as well.  Contact someone who lives in your neighbourhood to see how they are doing (phone, text, email, or letter).

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/roRjkHeF8Sg

Worship by phone:   1-306-205-1168

Midweek Lenten worship:  Wednesday’s at 7:30 by zoom or phone … same link every week

Please, click on the link below to access the service.  You call also call in using the phone numbers below as indicated. Please, note that long-distance charges will apply unless you have a long-distance plan with your phone carrier.  (Come a few minutes early to make sure any glitches can be worked out before the service begins)

Join Zoom Meeting



Zoom App:

Meeting ID: 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604


         1 647 374 4685 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

         1 647 558 0588 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604


This invitation did not come in time to go in the newsletter:

Black History Month Town Hall with Police Chief Troy Cooper and Pastor Ali Tote

Pastor Ali Tote and City Councillor David Kirton are organizing a Town Hall with Saskatoon Police Chief Troy Cooper on Thursday March 4, 2021 at 7 PM in celebration of Black History Month. Please, attend and invite others.

Pastor Ali Tote is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Black History Month Town Hall with Police Chief Troy Cooper

Time: Mar 4, 2021 07:00 PM Saskatchewan

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 859 3513 8296

Passcode: 401206

Over the Phone:

Dial: 1 647 558 0588 OR 1 778 907 2071


Meeting ID: 859 3513 8296


Passcode: 401206

February 20, 2021

Pastor Marilyn is on holiday this week, but here are the links for worship this week:

Sunday Worship (pre-recorded):  https://youtu.be/M7vxuYukSDU or phone in service 1-306-205-1168

Wednesday joint Lenten Service Zoom link:    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89600870712?pwd=YjlxOEE5bUFyUE81QUp0bGJpQXNKdz09

  • Zoom links are time and day sensitive. You should be able to link in at 7 pm every Wednesday during Lent. 

  • The service starts at 7:30 pm. 

  • Our mid-week Lenten services this year are Holden Evening Prayer with a Bible Reading and Devotion/Bible Study.  The Augustana St. Timothy’s Choir is leading Holden Evening Prayer and each week the host church will provide the Reading and Devotion/Bible Study.

  • The zoom link for each week is the same.

February 19, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Looks like the weekend is bringing warmer weather. What a welcome treat!

Please find attached the worship service for Feb. 21st.

Worship Link: Can be found on the Augustana YouTube Channel     https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCua4E9ZVxlZ4Wfmct0ZLnBA/videos

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168

  • To note, in one month it will be Augustana’s AGM by Zoom. Don’t worry if you are uncomfortable with Zoom – there will be a practice run March 14th and there will also be a phone-in option.

  • We have entered into the season of Lent, and mid-week services will be Wednesdays, on-line with Holden Evening Prayer and Devotion. The following is the Zoom link information for all Wednesday Inter-Lenten services:



Zoom App:
Meeting ID: 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

         1 647 374 4685 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604
         1 647 558 0588 Canada THEN 896 0087 0712 THEN Passcode: 093604

  • Our Walk from Syria continues with over a 2,300 KM travelled in 3 weeks. There is another 6 weeks and 7,400 KMS to go. Check in every week on the website for reflections and updates and don’t forget to email in pictures to the office when you have the chance. No larger than 2MB.  Please send in your kilometers every week by Friday noon (phone, email) 10 minutes activity = 1 kilometer. And please invite friends and neighbours to join our walk (we have some other congregations joining) to help the kilometres add up.

Blessings on behalf of Pastor Marilyn, (who is recovering well from cataract surgery and will be back in the office next week).

February 12, 2021

Dear Church Family,

This week we worship with Good Shepherd Lutheran as it is the second Sunday of the month. Bulletins that indicate how the service will flow are attached together with items for Sunday school for parents. A copy of the sermon is also included in case there are some who need it. The video (and documents) can be viewed by Sunday on Augustana’s website: http://augustanasaskatoon.net/

And don’t forget our worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168

Our Walk from Syria is progressing with over a 1,000 KM travelled in 2 weeks. Check in every week on our website for reflections and updates and don’t forget to email in pictures to the office when you have the chance. No larger than 2MB.  Please send in your kilometers every week by Friday noon (phone, email, or google).  10 minutes activity = 1 kilometer.

And not to be forgotten, the Weekly Assignment: contact someone with their anniversary in the same month as you or continue to contact people with the same birth month.

In other news, Sask Synod has shared the following information to pass on:

Climate Justice - Call to Action!
If you are a youth (children and families are welcome!) or young adult who is passionate about the environment and climate change, click the link to participate in a brief  survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NDT8VPM
The ELCIC is building a network of young adults and youth who would like to engage the church in some climate discussions and assist the ELCIC in working towards the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Come and join the conversation! If you have any questions, please contact climate@elcic.ca

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper -  BYOPancakes

An invitation is extended to all Young Canadian Lutherans (think 18-35) to join a national young adult zoom hangout on Feb.16th FROM 6 TO 8 PM. ZOOM ID: 8384111 9981, PASSWORD: ELCICYA

Fight about pancake toppings, discuss upcoming lent, make new friends, eat a lot of syrup. You know... it’s called balance. Come as you are, leave when you’re ready.  Follow @ELCICYoungAdults for more information or email Kristina Kuhnert.


Canada Lutheran Submissions Urgently Needed

The following is forwarded from Anno Bell, editor for the Saskatchewan Section of the Canada Lutheran.
Hello friends, 
I know this is a crazy time in the world, and a crazy time to be doing the work of trying to be the church in a province where gathering isn’t allowed or safe. And I know so many of you are exhausted, depleted, and otherwise struggling to meet the needs of congregants and your own needs in this context. Knowing and understanding this, as I am married to a pastor, I would still like to request your support. It can be difficult even in “normal” times to find material for the Saskatchewan Synod section of the Canada Lutheran. I have asked the people I know to contribute in the last months, and they have faithfully done so, but we are now in some serious need of new material for the coming months. PLEASE…..consider writing a reflection on your life in ministry, or asking parishioners who do interesting things in their lives that intersect with church and home/church and work/church and society, to write me an article and send pictures. Has anything good come from this time? Have people found ways to support the elders in their congregations that are isolated and lonely? Have people found ways to dig deep for hope in what seems an endless well of situational difficulty? Have people found grace in the “less busy”, finding time to step back into what really matters? Have people in your congregation stepped up to fill needs for those that struggle - to stay warm, to stay fed, to stay hopeful? 
We are all struggling, and some of us are lucky to do so in homes that are warm and filled with love. Has an unexpected homeschooling community sprung up among the immunocompromised in your lives? Where are people finding hope and connection? 
Please consider contributing your writing and photos to me at clsaskeditor@gmail.com so that I can share your stories with our community in the months to come. 
With gratitude,
Anno Bell
Inhale Gratitude, Exhale Peace


On behalf of Pastor Marilyn,

Blessings and Stay Well,

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

January 30, 2021

Dear Church Family,

The newsletter came out this week and I will not duplicate all that information.  I do hope that you will take on the “Walk from Syria” challenge and will invite friends and neighbours to do so as well. 

I do want to share some insights from Friday’s town hall with Bishop Sid and Pastor Ali. We will be worshiping on-line at least until the end of February and likely longer. There is hope ahead, but the need to be careful remains.  A number of the participants in the town hall expressed the fear that people would not return to church when the pandemic is over. Bishop Sid reminded us that the church tends to do poorly when it is rich, but thrives when it experiences adversity.  I would, once again, like to remind us that the church is not a building, it is the people. Many voices spoke to this anxiety and the common theme was to trust that God walks with us now and in the time to come. 

I am glad we are talking about this anxiety.  This week many have added the phrase “Let’s talk” to their facebook icon and it is good to talk about mental illness. It’s good to talk about what bothers us, it’s good to talk about fears and anxiety.  Partly it’s good because then these things no longer hold the power of secrecy over us.  And partly it’s good to have a listening ear to help us wade through our thoughts and make some sense of them. I hope you have some good listening ears in your life.  Parish Nurse Carol and I are also good listening ears. 

Information from our Sask Synod town hall also highlighted that the high numbers of covid right now are driven by youth and young adults.  I don’t want to minimize the stress of pandemic and isolation for those who are older, but I think the younger generation is dealing with some unique daunting challenges. For one thing this pandemic has taken over a greater part of their lives.  If you are 10 years old this pandemic has been part of almost 1/10th of your life.  Those of us on the other end of the age spectrum have more life experience to balance that out. However, all ages are united in our need for kindness and care.  Given that, your assignment this week is to contact someone from a different generation to offer your kindness and care.

In Christ,

Pastor Marilyn


Link for worship this week:  https://youtu.be/amovEUjRvHQ

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168

January 23, 2021

Dear church family,

As the returning sun shines for longer each day I pray that your hope and faith also increase day by day. As more of our vulnerable people are vaccinated there is a sense of relief, but our time of face masks and physical distancing is not yet over.  We are called to continue to be a caring community of faith: masking and distancing in order to care for one another.

There are a few things coming up to help us on our way.  There will be more information in next week’s newsletter, but I want to pique your interest with a little taste of what’s on the horizon: 

  • Our Journey from Syria begins February 1 – we are walking from Syria with our refugee family and as we walk with them we will also learn more about being a refugee.  10 minutes activity = 1 kilometer and we have a lot of kilometers to go.  Please invite friends and neighbours to join our walk and get planning how you can make your kilometers add up.

  • Lent begins with a joint on-line Ash Wednesday service on Feb. 17.  Lent mid-week services will be Wednesdays on-line with Holden Evening Prayer and Devotion. 

  • Bible Study – I have had to postpone our Tuesday Bible Study because of a slower recovery from eye surgery than anticipated.

  • Our annual meeting will be a Zoom meeting. March 21. Don’t worry if you are uncomfortable with Zoom -- we are going to have a practice run February 28 and there will be a phone-in option.

  • Your weekly assignment – I have asked for help in coming up with a weekly challenge to reach out to others in our church family.  Here is one of those suggestions for this week’s assignment: contact someone who has a birthday in the same month as you. Our last directory contained a celebration calendar to help you with that.  This might also be a time to put your celebration dates in our calendar so we can keep it up to date. 

  • Guest preacher this week:  BC Bishop Pastor Gregory Mohr

God bless and keep you well!

Pastor Marilyn

Worship Link:   https://youtu.be/VMq4dm1cNN0

Worship by Phone: 1-306-205-1168

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18-25, 2021

WPCU image.jpg

WPCU Bible Study 2021

A daily Bible study on the theme of the 2021 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Monday, January 18 to Monday January 25 from 12:15-1:00pm CST (except Sunday, Jan 24 at 1:00pm CST)

Register at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/wpcu-bible-study-2021-tickets-135920448721

Hosted by the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism and the Regina Council of Churches, this study is free and open to all. A different Christian leader will guide us each day as we explore the theme "Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit" (John 15:5-9).

The 2021 theme calls us to pray and to work for reconciliation and unity in the church, with our human family, and with all of creation. Drawing on the Gospel image of vine and branches, it invites us to nourish unity with God and with one another through contemplative silence, prayer, and common action. Grafted into Christ the vine as many diverse branches, may we bear rich fruit and create new ways of living, with respect for and communion with all of creation.

WPCU Online Ecumenical Service
You might also want to register for the WPCU Online Ecumenical Service planned by the Canadian Centre for Ecumenism (Montreal) on Sunday, Jan. 24 at 3pm (Eastern). The service is bilingual. Register to receive the Zoom or YouTube links at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvWflnQX5_187OOoiXcWKWgmDkwGJXY5mYZHSNJXq9Njp-GA/viewform


January 2, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Happy New Year!

The newsletter comes out this week so I only have a few things to pass on. The January 2021 newsletter is available on our website.

  • I recently learned that Everett Larson’s children donated 85 musical instruments to the non-profit organization CAMP (Community Arts Mentorship Program). A fitting donation to remember Everett’s legacy as a music teacher. Everett was part of the music ministry at Augustana for many years. https://thestarphoenix.com/entertainment/local-arts/children-of-beloved-music-teacher-everett-larson-donate-more-than-60-instruments-to-sask-non-profit

  • Our worship service is available by phone.  Just call 1-306-205-1168. Please let us know how this service is working for you and if you have any suggestions for it.  We are thinking of putting just the Scripture readings and sermon on to make it a more manageable length to listen to on the phone.

  • Jan. 10 we are joining King of Glory for worship along with the other Saskatoon ELCIC churches.  We will join Good Shepherd for worship on Jan 17th as I will be recovering from cataract surgery. I will not have an update for the next two weeks.

  • Your assignment for the week:  it is a new year … contact someone new. You can use our current church directory or use an old directory.

Greg and I would like to thank you for the many cards, letters, photos, and gifts that we received this past Christmas. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated!

God Bless your new year with health and wellness,

Pastor Marilyn

Link for worship this week:  https://youtu.be/CtWzr5AHncI

Phone in for worship:  1-306-205-1168

December 23, 2020


In this strange year …

Greg and I wish you a safe and Merry Christmas and many blessings in the New Year.


Creator God,

We ask that you encircle

us in your care,

Keep light within, and

darkness without

Keep warmth within, and

the cold without

Keep peace within, and

worry without

Keep joy within and fear


Keep love within and hate


In Jesus name we pray



To listen to Augustana’s worship services on the phone dial 1-306-205-1168

And the video can always be accessed through our website www.augustanasaskatoon@sasktel.net

Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service link:  https://youtu.be/3kcsS25t-FI

Dec. 25 & 27 Christmas Lessons and Carols Service link:  https://youtu.be/ZcOZntqJ7Fc


December 12, 2020

Dear Church Family,

This week we are welcoming the other ELCIC churches to worship with us on-line. We will read the Bible stories and sing the carols as we “unwrap” the gift of the Christ child.

There are some in our congregation who do not have access to a computer or smart phone.  We are working on how to put our worship services on the telephone so that they can take part in worship.  But we are not quite there yet.   If you have a good speaker on your computer and can connect with someone by phone so that they can listen over the phone along with you, please let me know.  I can pair you up with someone who does not have internet access if you need help finding someone.  I would like for everyone to be able to hear the special music and hymns this week and throughout the Christmas season.  Please let me know if you can help out with this.  

I am amazed that we have been able to receive enough special offerings to put together our Christmas hampers this year. Thank you for making that happen under the difficult circumstances this year.

Your Advent week 3 assignment:  please phone or contact one or more folk whose last name ends in the letters N – S.

God bless you and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Link to worship this week:  https://youtu.be/mvkVcEAVbXs


December 5, 2020

Dear Church Family,

This week we will light two advent candles.  Christmas is getting closer, but it will be a different Christmas this year in some ways.  But in other ways it will be the same. We will hear the scripture readings that prepare us for the arrival of the Christ child once again and we will sing the songs that remind of God’s love.  Even if we do these things in our homes rather than in the church building they are still part of our advent preparation.

Your assignment this week:  as we make our way through the alphabet this Advent season please contact one or more people whose last name begins with the letters G – M. By phone or letter or email or however you can reach out. 

Next Sunday we lead worship for all the ELCIC churches in Saskatoon.  It will be our Advent Lessons and Carols Service. Thank you for your donations for our Christmas hampers -- we are well on our way to being ready.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Link for worship this week:   https://youtu.be/SgTh4N1YqGA


November 28, 2020

Hello Church family,

The newsletter came out this week, so I will try to not repeat information.  You should have received the newsletter in an email and it is available on our website as well. 

I have been concerned with the growing number of active covid 19 cases in Saskatoon and our plans to hold regular in-person services at Augustana.  I know it is so much more satisfying to gather together in person, but for now we will have to make our contact and care for one another through other means:  phone, letter, email, video calls, and sidewalk visits.  Bishop Sid and Pastor Ali hosted two town hall zoom meetings this past week. Their recommendation to the whole synod is to have only on-line worship until the end of January.  At that time we will re-evaluate.  This also means that all meetings at the church will be cancelled or occur by zoom or video.

I do know that there are many phone calls, letters, and emails occurring among our church family, but if you have been missed or you feel the need to connect, please do so.  Even though we are physically distant, my hope is that no one will feel that they are alone or isolated or left out. 

Your assignment for the week: since this is the first of 4 weeks of advent I have divided the alphabet into 4 parts.  Each week I will ask you to phone someone whose last name is in that part of the alphabet. This week call one or more people whose last name ends in the letters A to F.

May the peace of Christ sustain you from day to day!

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/GZPQYrmXCgo

Advent 1 is about HOPE


Light one candle to watch for Messiah;

Let the light banish darkness.

Christ shall bring salvation to all of us,

God fulfills the promise.

November 21, 2020

Dear Church Family,

This past week there has been some grim news and warnings about the rate of covid infection in our province. Our care homes and hospitals are once again “no-visit” zones and we are being asked to limit our everyday contacts.  This is difficult news for anyone in care and for families and friends who cannot visit in person.

Your assignment this week is to reach out and contact someone who is living in care or to contact a person who has someone in care with whom they cannot visit. Please keep the residents and staff of the Lutheran Special Care Home (Sunset home), Rehoboth Care Home and all care homes in your prayers.  

If you want to talk to someone give me or our parish nurse Carol a call.

I would like to share a prayer poem with you that acknowledges our dark times, but points to the light which we know is the light of Christ.

In Times of Affliction

May we discover that the road we didn’t choose

didn’t want to travel,

is a highway that leads unerringly

towards the light

Frances Copsey

(in A book of Blessings, Ruth Burgess, Wild Goose Publications 2001)

One bright light this past week was the baptism of David Lindenbach.  His baptism is included in our worship this Sunday. I would like to remind you that when someone is baptized our whole congregation is asked to support and care for them and help them grow in their Christian faith.  That is a very happy task for us to take on. 

God bless and keep you well!

Your sister in Christ,

Pastor Marilyn

Ps. Bruce Nordstrom who recently moved to Samaritan Place has a birthday on Dec. 3.  His family is asking that you send him a birthday greeting.  His daughter Debbie will read them to him.  (by regular mail: Bruce Nordstrom, c/o Samaritan Place, Room BLA213-375 Cornish Road, Saskatoon, SK. S7T 0P3; by email: awareness1@sasktel.net)

Worship link this week:  https://youtu.be/LQD5ygLzKto