June 30, 2022

Dear Church Family,

It’s Jazz Service Sunday! Welcome to Rev. Dr. Ann Salmon who will be leading the service along with a wonderful group of musical and worship assistants: Mik Bickis, Anna-Marie Skogsrud, Sharon and Gord Morley, Bonnie Moser, Bryan Tastad and Larry Trenouth.

A huge thank you to the jazz musicians: Sheldon Corbett (saxophone), Glenn Ens (drums), David Hunter (trumpet), Kim Salkeld (piano) and Bruce Wilkinson (bass).

It promises to be a swinging service.

Next Sunday, July 10th,  it will be Holy Communion with Rev. Michael Diegel leading the service.

Worship link for this Sunday: https://youtu.be/J1WFrDPO2bQ

On another Pastor David Hunter has noted that the Computers for Kids program has been discontinued and they are trying to get rid of a bunch of excess computers.

He may have a connection to possibly pick up one or two if anyone might be interested.

Have a great weekend! Happy Canada Day! Enjoy reading the Augustana July-August Newsletter.


Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

June 19, 2022

Dear Church Family,

This Sunday will be a lay lead service. Thank you to our leader Pat Blakley, lector Tannis Sharp, ushers Gord & Sharon Morley, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, and technical support Greg Fowlie-Neufeld who will be assisting in the service on Sunday.

Please be aware of the upcoming installation of Rev. Dr. Ali Tote as Assistant to the Bishop on Saturday at 4pm at Resurrection (and also online) and the LuMinHos Annual Meeting on June 26th.

Installation Zoom log-in information 


Meeting ID: 877 941 727 

Phone: 1 647 558 0588 Meeting ID: 877 941 727 

               1 778 907 2071 Meeting ID: 877 941 727  

And just a reminder that the Prayer Net is looking for a new prayer secretary.

The prayer list is simple to prepare.  It has been all set up for electronic word processing; the only work required is to insert/remove the changes as they are received.  Preparing the monthly worksheet and list takes about 4 hours a month. Jim Komar would be available to help with any initial questions.

Thanks for taking this need into consideration.

Blessings on your weekend and Happy Father’s Day!

Enjoy reading the LTS Summer newsletter (attached).

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/Gc4hnKKJ7zY

June 11, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to the Holy Trinity Sunday and Rev. Michael Diegel who will be leading the service while Pastor Marilyn is on short-term disability.

Thank you to our lector Alice Hamp, ushers Angie Remus & D.-Jay Krozser, musician Deborah Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley who will be assisting in the service on Sunday.

There are a number of events happening next week and you will them listed in your bulletin.

And just a reminder that the Prayer Net is looking for a new prayer secretary.

The prayer list is simple to prepare.  It has been all set up for electronic word processing; the only work required is to insert/remove the changes as they are received.  Preparing the monthly worksheet and list takes about 4 hours a month. Jim Komar would be available to help with any initial questions.

Thanks for taking this need into consideration.

Blessings on your weekend and the week ahead.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/bjABj63lsJ8

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

June 4, 2022

Dear Church Family,

We are into June and the start of Pentecost. And Rev. Michael Diegel who will be leading the service this Sunday while Pastor Marilyn is on short-term disability.

Thank you to our lector Pat Blakley, ushers Dawn and Rose Ingram, musician Mik Bickis, choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Bryan Tastad who will be assisting in the service on Sunday. Thanks also to the Augustana-St. Timothy’s Choir for leading the singing this Sunday as we move to a new liturgy setting.

This Sunday we will be serving communion and thanks to Sharon and Gord Morley and Linda Stauffer for preparations in this area.

Last but not least, a shout out to Jim Komar who has been faithfully serving as the secretary of the Prayer Net for the last 8 years.  Jim is stepping down from this role and if anyone is interested in taking on this challenge now it would be greatly appreciated. The prayer list is simple to prepare.  It has been all set up for electronic word processing; the only work required is to insert/remove the changes as they are received.  Preparing the monthly worksheet and list takes about 4 hours a month. Jim would be available to help with any initial questions.

Blessings on your weekend and please find the June Newsletter attached.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/6oY1c2Dt5BY

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

May 28, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to the final Sunday of the Easter Season and to Rev. Michael Diegel who will be leading the service once more while Marilyn continues to be away.

Thank you to our lectors and ushers Eileen and Wayne Carlson, musician and choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Katie Ottley who will be assisting in the service on Sunday. Thanks also to soloist Paul Weatherington and the Augustana-St. Timothy’s Choir for their contributions on Sunday.

Special applause to all the volunteers who are helping with the Augustana Garage Sale happening Saturday between 8am and 2pm. The church has been a beehive of activity this week getting ready so hopefully the sale will go well despite the forecast of rain.

This Sunday we also say Farewell and Godspeed to Faith Rohrbough.  Faith will be moving back to Kansas in June.  She has been an integral part of Augustana and we will be sorry to see her go.  There is a card we invite you to sign this Sunday and Sunday, June 5th. If you cannot make it either Sunday to sign please stop by the church office Thursday or Friday next week to sign.

Stay safe, be well, and God’s blessings for your weekend and next week.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/mtssd9AyhO4

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

May 20, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to the 6th Sunday of Easter and to Rev. Michael Diegel who will be leading the service while Marilyn continues to be away.

Thank you to our lector Chris Martin, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, ushers Edith and Lorne Carlson, and technical support Karen Wallace who will be assisting in the service on Sunday.

Please note, the Augustana Garage Sale will be happening Saturday May 28, from 8am to 2pm.

Please bring any treasures you would like to contribute to the church any time between 1-5pm, Tuesday May 24 to Friday May 27th.

For further information, please call Sandra Cey (373-1071) or Marie Ebbert (374-2536).

Please see the bulletin for more events that are upcoming next weekend. 

As was noted in the Annual Report, Pastor Marilyn has been diagnosed with macular degeneration, which makes work and life difficult some days. Recently, with the impact on her central vision, she has found it necessary to take time away. For any concerns we ask that you contact the church office while she is not available. Thank you for your consideration in this situation.

Stay safe, be well, and every blessing for this May long weekend.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/lRq1TNabg3Y

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

May 13, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to the 5th Sunday of Easter and to Rev. Alexa Wallace who will be leading the service, which will be a combined Anglican and Lutheran service.

Thank you to our lector Bryan Tastad, musician Anna-Marie Skogsrud, ushers Alice and Wilmer Hamp who will be assisting in the service on Sunday.

Please note, the Augustana Garage Sale will be going forward on May 28, from 8am to 2pm. This will probably be Augustana's LAST Garage Sale; so if you have any treasures to donate, this will be your last chance to do so.  More volunteers would also be welcome!  Sign-up sheets are in the narthex.  Contact Sandra Cey or Marie Ebbert for more information.

Please see the bulletin for more events that are upcoming this month.

As was noted in the Annual Report, Pastor Marilyn has been diagnosed with macular degeneration, which makes work and life difficult some days. Recently, with the impact on her central vision, she has found it necessary to take time away. For any concerns we ask that you contact the church office while she is not available. Thank you for your consideration in this situation.

Stay safe, be well, and every blessing for the weekend and coming week.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/3wwr08vZF2c

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

May 7, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to the 4th Sunday of Easter and Happy Mother’s Day!

Pastor Michael Diegel will be leading the service once more.

As was noted in the Annual Report, Pastor Marilyn has been diagnosed with macular degeneration, which makes work and life difficult some days. Recently, with the impact on her central vision, she has found it necessary to take time away. For any concerns we ask that you contact the church office while she is not available. Thank you for your consideration in this situation.

Please see the bulletin for some events that are upcoming this month.

Stay safe, be well, and every blessing for the weekend and coming week.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/oBnYwze5AcQ

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

April 30, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to the 3rd Sunday of Easter and Pastor Ken Neumann will be leading the service while Marilyn is on sick leave.  We are very thankful to have him.

You are no longer being asked to call ahead or email when attending worship.  We do ask that you sign in at the bulletin table when you come on Sundays.

Please see the bulletin for some events that are upcoming this next month, which you will also find in the attached Augustana Previews Newsletter for May.

Stay safe, be well, and blessings on behalf of Pastor Marilyn.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/G8VMrJ3znpQ

April 22, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to the 2nd Sunday of Easter and Pastor Michael Diegel will be leading the service while Marilyn is on sick leave.  We are very thankful to have him.

You are no longer being asked to call ahead or email about attending worship.  We just ask that you sign in at the bulletin table when you do come on Sundays.

Please see the bulletin for some events that are upcoming in May, including the Spring Yard Clean-up.

Stay safe and well, and blessings from Pastor Marilyn.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/qIFDqXDY3mE 

April 16, 2022

Dear Church Family,

It is Easter tomorrow.  We are having two services to be able to have space for more people to attend worship on the day that is most important for Christians. If you have not yet called ahead about attending worship tomorrow, please give me a text or email to let me know which service you plan to attend.

I am looking forward to hearing the children ring their bells for every Alleluia!   I have missed that these last two years.

God bless you this Easter season,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for Easter!:  https://youtu.be/GI8iZpQCi1A

April 2, 2022

Hello Church Family,

Our April newsletter came out this week and it is chock full of interesting articles.  In the newsletter there is a copy of the article from The Canada Lutheran about our walk from Syria.  We’re famous.

Our celebration of Holy week this year is a bit familiar and a bit different:

  • April 10th - Palm Sunday 10:30 am– choir cantata with the passion narrative

  • April 14th – Maundy Thursday 3 pm – reading and prayers as we strip the altar in preparation for the next day

  • April 15th – Good Friday 7:30 pm – Tenebrae service

  • April 16th – Easter Sunday

o  8:30 am – Easter Holy Communion service

o  10:30 am – Easter service (this service will be livestreamed and available on YouTube)

Please phone or email the church to register to attend services.  This helps us know how many people to prepare for and makes sure we will be able to provide space for physical distancing. Please wear a mask – we have extra masks at the church if you do not have one.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/bolWoe9iYQk

March 27, 2022

Dear Church Family,

We are worshiping in person and on-line this week.  We postponed this step because I got covid and was unable to lead worship last Sunday.  I felt awful for 3 or 4 days and then I got better -- thankfully a fairly mild case. I still don’t have my usual energy back, but I am improving.  Thanks to Pastor Hugh Farmer for leading worship on short notice.

This Sunday the choir is singing and church council is being installed.  I hope you can join us either in person or on-line. 

God bless you and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/A9zUWQc9zjA


March 18, 2022

Hello Church Family,

Due to unexpected circumstances, there will be a week’s delay in returning to in-person services.

This Sunday we welcome Pastor Hugh Farmer who will be leading the livestream service.

Worship link this week:  https://youtu.be/2glT3gsGJ2U


Beginning March 27th – 20 people pre-registered for worship  

Since we are a community of faith our return to in person worship and events happens as a community.  Below are ways in which we can care for one another in returning to the church building. When you are ready to return in person here are the basic guidelines we are following at Augustana.

What you can expect of your church family when you come to worship

  • Beginning with worship in small numbers, we will proceed carefully and add changes gradually.

  • Masks will be required for worship. Extra masks will be available.

  • We will ensure that there is good air circulation with open windows. Wear a sweater or jacket to be warm

  • Worship service will 45 minutes or shorter.

  • Covid 19 protocols will be observed:  i.e. no passing of offering plate, creative sharing of the peace, no hand shaking.

  • Hand sanitizer will be readily available

  • When we celebrate Holy Communion or a baptism we will do so following covid guidelines from Saskatchewan Synod

  • We will attempt to keep up with the latest information about covid in order to make appropriate changes.

What your church family expects of you

  • There is no pressure to return to in person worship and events.  You will return to in person worship and events when you are ready. Until you are ready, you can worship with us on-line.

  • That you will wear a mask to worship in-person.

  • You will stay home if you feel unwell or test positive.

  • If possible - take a rapid test before coming to church (we also have rapid tests available at the church)

  • Vaccination and boosting is recommended.

Risk assessment for worship at Augustana

  • Am I putting the community at risk by attending?

  • Am I putting myself at risk?  What health concerns do you have that might limit your attendance at church? 

  • Does the spiritual health benefit of attending church out weight the risk? Even if you have a health risk you might feel the spiritual need to worship with your church family in person.

  • Will there be adequate air circulation? Our sanctuary is a large space and we will have open windows in the sanctuary.

  • How many people will be at church? The number of people in the church building will be limited for a while.  This number will increase as circumstances in the community change.

 God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

March 11, 2022

Dear Church Family,

I know that many have been looking for ways to respond to the crisis in Ukraine.  Donations can be made through  Canadian Lutheran World Relief or the Primates World Relief and Development Fund (designate for Ukraine).  Both of these organizations operate in such a way that the majority of your donation is used directly by those in need (both use 12% for administration and education/promotion combined).  You can donate through the church or directly to the organization. 

In the days ahead, please keep a look out for changes to worship and activities. 

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn


Worship link this week:  https://youtu.be/62KBne6NtdEhttps://youtu.be/62KBne6NtdE



March 4, 2022

Dear Church Family,

         As we meet for worship this week, we will keep the people of Ukraine in our prayers.  We will also pray for wisdom for all those in leadership as they try to find as peaceful a way as possible through this crisis. 

         At 1 pm on Sunday we will have our Annual meeting by Zoom.  This is our first opportunity as a congregation to reinvent ourselves following a pandemic.  We have learned to adapt in many ways in the past two years.  That learning will help us look to the future as well. However, in the midst of our changing world some things remain constant:  God’s steadfast, loving kindness and our ministry as a community that follows Jesus.

         The Worship Committee and Health Cabinet will be meeting next week to map out our return to in person worship and activities.  We will take a gradual approach to making changes:  adding small changes and then making sure all is proceeding well before adding more changes.

         I do have an important question for all of you.  I recently heard of a congregation in Regina that will be holding one afternoon communion service a month that will be designated a “fully vaccinated (and boosted if applicable) service.” This ensures a safe environment for those who are concerned about attending worship, especially any who have medical conditions that make public worship services problematic. Would a monthly, afternoon, communion, fully vaccinated, service be a good idea for Augustana?  Please email or phone myself or the church office with your response.  You can simply reply to this email if you wish.

         I hope to see you all tomorrow at our annual meeting.


God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

WORSHIP THIS WEEK:  https://youtu.be/x4ayi1dfRtE

ANNUAL MEETING ZOOM LINK:  Join by clicking link below


Meeting ID: 889 0078 1237 Passcode: 388042

OR Dial by your location

1 647 374 4685 Canada THEN 889 0078 127 THEN Passcode: 388042


1 647 558 0588 Canada THEN 889 0078 127 THEN Passcode: 388042


February 26, 2022

Hello Church Family,

So nice to have warmer weather and to have Pastor Michael Diegel leading service this Sunday, while Pastor Marilyn is in class and on study leave. Thank you.

Just a reminder:

Augustana’s AGM will be on March 6 at 1 pm. Meeting will be by zoom (with option to phone in to meeting).  The link will be provided in our newsletter (please see attached), and in our weekly update, including the bulletin.  Annual reports are available on our website or can be picked up at the church (please phone ahead so we have a paper copy printed for you).


Link to Worship:  https://youtu.be/VZkM5rr29f8


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 0078 1237
Passcode: 388042

Dial by your location
        +1 647 374 4685 Canada OR
        +1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 889 0078 1237
Passcode: 388042
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbXCycph0H

February 19, 2020

Hello Church family,

A busy Sunday tomorrow (Feb. 20th) Worship at 10:30 (livestream) and available later on YouTube. Zoom meeting to visit and practice voting begins at noon. I hope to see many faces tomorrow … not as good as a hug or handshake… but still a wonderful thing! The Annual report for 2021 is attached.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn


Augustana’s AGM will be on March 6 at 1 pm. Meeting will be by zoom (with option to phone in to meeting).  The link will be provided in our newsletter, in our weekly update, and on our website.  Annual reports are available on our website or can be picked up at the church (please phone ahead so we have a paper copy printed for you)


Link to Worship:  https://youtu.be/peHgxVApKbg

Link to Zoom meeting to visit and practice for our AGM

Time: Sunday, Feb 20 12:00 PM Saskatchewan

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 819 2447 5290

Passcode: 291380

Dial by your location

        +1 204 272 7920 Canada

        +1 438 809 7799 Canada

       +1 587 328 1099 Canada

        +1 647 374 4685 Canada

        +1 647 558 0588 Canada

        +1 778 907 2071 Canada

Meeting ID: 819 2447 5290

Passcode: 291380

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kecbSX17EW

February 12, 2022

Dear Church family,

It certainly has been a strange week in our country.  I would like to share a prayer with you (from the new hymnal supplement All Creation Sings, Augsburg Fortress) as we face protests and unrest across the country:

Rise up and come to our help, merciful God, for we are in need. Our spirits are weighed down with fear; our bodies feel as fragile as the dust from which we came. All that we have trusted seems hidden from sight. Although this moment has come upon our nation, you have not forgotten us. We do not trust in our own power or strength, but in your steadfast love in every generation. Show us your face in this time of trial, remind us of your faithfulness, and save us for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Next week we will have a zoom meeting following worship so that we can be more comfortable with our zoom AGM on March 6. We did very well with a zoom AGM last year, so I think we will be old hands at it this year.

The Health Cabinet and Worship Committee are working on a plan to return us to in-person worship and gathering.  We have done this once or twice so far, so I am confident we will be able to do so safely again.

I received a letter from Austen & Nicole Smith and it closed with words that have been a blessing to me:  “… hoping that when you read this you are in a good head space, feeling loved, and know it is ok if you aren’t feeling great all the time.” I pass this blessing on to you all.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link this week:  https://youtu.be/KC4zBt2vcCU